(Chapter 9: Monsters in the city are different from monsters in the valley)

Start from the beginning

🦇The_Local_vampire🩸: If it's the first prepare for something on your third year here. Simple as that.


🦇The_Local_vampire🩸: that is a valid question that idk how to answer.

🎵He-Was-A-Skater-Boi🛹: So, the zombie apocalypse starts with the farmer's grandpa being in charge of it all... What do you do?

🪨Rock.Nibbler😋: I grab my sword!

🔇🇳🐝🤠: Why did this conversation turn into a DnD game?

🦇The_Local_vampire🩸: i was going to ask a similar question, but with a different game.

(End text chat)

"So my whole life... Not just the mining part... Has become one big Solarion Chronicles campaign... Lovely..." I said sarcastically, staring at my phone for a bit, before putting it into my pocket.

"Okay... What do I do with the knowledge that my dead grandfather might visit me in a few years...? I guess I could just forget about it and be surprised when... Or if... It actually happens. Actually, I don't think I'll be that surprised, all things considered... Terrified? Yes. Surprised...? Probably not." I thought, deciding to try to forget about the fact that there's a gravestone in my yard, and continue my day, as if I never saw it.

I then decided to check my mailbox, since according to it, I had some mail.

It was just a letter from Marlon, saying that I was allowed to join the adventurer's guild.

"What was I just saying about my life being a Solarion Chronicles campaign?" I asked myself jokingly, before deciding to go up to the mountains to see whatever it was that Marlon wanted me to do.

(Small time skip)

When I got to the building that Marlon told me to meet him, I knocked on the door.

When I was let in, I was surprised to see that there was someone other than Marlon living here. The man introduced himself as Gil, another former member of the guild.

After that, Marlon told me that if I was able to kill certain kinds of monsters, Gil might give me something for my efforts. "Huh. Interesting." I thought, before thinking about buying a better sword, since I wasn't sure how long the old rusty one Marlon gave me was gonna last.

"Now that I'm part of the guild, might as well have a good sword." I thought, looking at the weapon that I bought.

After leaving Marlon and Gil to let them continue whatever it was they might be doing, I was going to head home, but as I passed Robin's house, I saw something that unexpectedly caught my attention.

The garage door was open, and inside the garage was Sebastian, under a motorcycle, most likely trying to fix it, or... Something... I'm not very knowledgeable about motorcycles.

"Hey, Seb." I said with a wave, before hearing a thud from under the bike.

"Hey, farmer." Sebastian said with a pained hiss, rubbing his forehead. "Didn't see ya there."

"Did I jump you? Sorry. Didn't mean for that to happen." I said, trying to ignore the big smudges of oil on his face as he came out from under his bike.

"I uh... Didn't know you had a bike." I said, putting my hands in my pockets.

"You didn't? Huh. Well I guess I haven't shown it to you." Seb said with a shrug, before going back to work on the motorcycle.

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