two for one. (18+ 🌶🔥)

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You never really know what life is going to toss your way so when you're giving the opportunity of a life time you take it , am I right? I am I know i am. Having two male friends is always lovely especially when both men are so fucking fine. Living with Jonathan and Steve has definitely been an adventure especially with the fact of how much the used to hate each other and I do really mean hate each other but now we can all be around each other and chit-chat and just be together without anything hateful being said. As of now I was sitting on the couch by myself waiting for the two idiots to wake up from their nap even at 6pm but I'm not judging. I'm actually enjoying the time by myself before they cling to me like moths to a light. Unfortunately for me they both woke up and came out at the same time. Steve sat on my left Johnathan on my right they literally had me squished between them.

"Exuse me? Mind giving me some space?" I huffed trying to move but since they we're much larger than me I had no chance on moving until they do.

"Um no, you can sit still." Steve patted my head with a grin before going back to watching the tv. I rolled my eyes very much annoyed but nonetheless I laid my head on Johnathans shoulder since he was annoying me less. I closed my eyes just enjoying the peace and quite thats of coruse until I heard the tv change from a nice funny TV show to some ungodly horrible porn.

"Steve ?! Are you fucking kidding me?" I huffed trying to fight for the remote but seeing as he was taller than me that made trying to get the remote so much harder.

"Turn this shit off!" I huffed referring to the porn on the tv.

"What? You're just jealous because no one's made you moan like that." Steve snickered. Oh he thinks he did something huh?

"Yeah I mean no one has ever been that good so of coruse not." I shrugged sitting down. "I bet I could." I laughed honestly so hard but Steve did not find that funny. He pushed me on the couch and sat on my lap. "You think I'm joking?" He huffed. I nodded and  giggled "you know Stevie you always joke about how much you make women cum but I honestly think thats just a joke." I teased smirking at him. You have no idea the sexual tension between all 3 of us. It's been high from the beginning and I was definitely pushing for something to happen because that's all I want. I just wanted to push his buttons until he finally explodes. Steve glared at me not saying a word I swear he was deciding if he wanted to play this game or not. To my surprise he got off and sat down next to me I was stunned and definitely disappointed. Johnathan was in his own little world watching the tv. Now what do I do? Fuck it. I got on Johnathans lap and smiled. "Hi, hope I'm not intruding."  I gave him a sweet innocent smile to which he just shook his head he seemed nervous I mean of course I can feel why but I acted as if I didn't. I could see Steve staring at us from the corner of my eye. Call me desperate but I'm getting laid tonight by one of them or both of them whatever happens I'm getting laid. With confidence I kissed Johnathan I mean it isn't the first time I've kissed ether boys. A lot happens when you are under the influence of both weed and alcohol. Johnathan kissed back desperately like he was trying to suck the air from my lungs to support his, I moaned so incredibly loud. My hands quickly made home in his hair while his made home on my hips. We continued to make out like two Virgin teenagers in the bathroom at school desperate for each other. I continued to moan one after another because every time we kissed he thrusted against me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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