unholy (18+ 🚿🛁)

643 8 0

Steve Harrington

Having an incredibly hot boss is one thing but have that incredibly hot boss in your shower after a stressful day for you both is another thing.

The day was long per usual and full of stress between running around making sure your boss wasn't disappointed to making sure the incredibly rude customers were satisfied the day seemed to never end even when you begged for it to be over. When the day finally was over it was just you and your boss Steve in the office. You didn't want to stay any later than you had to but unfortunately you had to finish the files on each customer which gained you two and a half hours of over time which wasn't so bad. The office was already dimly lit which made you finishing your work a little harder but thanks to the cheap desk lamp you were able to finish without a screaming headache. Finally saving and sending the files to your boss you stood up logging off your computer. Grabbing your things you tossed your coat over your shoulder while turning the lamp off. Turning around you let out a yelp at the sight of your boss. Not that he was scary looking because good lord he isn't but because you didn't expect him to be standing there especially as close as he was.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you.." Steve spoke softly. The poor guy looked incredibly exhausted.

".. no it's alright."  You gave him a smile before walking beside him. He walked with you and stopped when you needed to clock out then walked with you down to the elevators.

"You alright?" He spoke so soft you'd swear he was trying to not wake anyone. Nodding in response you pushed the first floor button. "Just tried is all." He nodded in response. The two of you fell into silence as the elevators dropped floors. As soon as the elevator dinged and the doors opened you stepped out. Of coruse it was dark by now seeing as it being late.

"Let me walk you home.." You heard your boss say from behind you. You turned to look at him ready to deny him but to your surprise you didn't.

"Sure." You said sounding not so sure of yourself. Steve nodded and walked side by side with you outside. You stopped for a moment letting him lock up for the night. Once done you two continued your journey home. The walk started out quite until he broke the silence.

"You know.. I appreciate you staying late tonight and well nearly every night." He said looking at you. You nodded ans smiled "I don't mind really,  the pay is nice." You chuckled. You pulled on your jacket seeing as fall was creeping up on you and you don't do well with the cold.

"Well I'm glad you're satisfied with the pay " he chuckled. Silence fell between you two quickly as neither of you had anything to say. Finally after what felt like forever you stopped in front of the stairs leading up to your apartment building. Steve looked up at the building admiring it. "Good to know my money is doing you good." Steve laughed. "Hey it's the least you could do" you joked walking up the stairs, reaching the top you turned around to see him staring at you. This felt like such a chick flick moment but you followed what your gut wanted. "Well Mr Harrington.. are you just going to stand there or walk a lady to her door?" Steve was surprised but nonetheless he made his way up the steps. You confidently took his hand leading him to your apartment door quickly unlocking it you pulled him insde. You honestly had no idea what was happening but he wasn't turning you away. Steve kicked the door shut behind him then locked it. Seeing as both of you were on the same page he tossed his jacket off then untied his tie before pulling you in. "You thought this through didn't you?" Steve said before kissing you. Instant butterflies bursted In your stomach , you of coruse kissed back before pulling away.

"You'll never know" you giggled kicking off your shoes. He wasted no time to attach himself to you. Kissing you marking you making you absolutely melt for him. The make out led to the bathroom then from there you two stripped and continued to make out while the water heated up. Soon the bathroom was taking over in steam you two broke apart to get safely In the shower before continuing the make out session. Before you knew his hands were all over your body just as fast as yours were all over his. You two took it slow at first that was of coruse until his dick made its way inside of you then it was everyman for himself. He had you squished against the shower wall and his body one hand above your head the other on your hip. Steve remained safe and gentle but rough as well. It wasn't long before your apartment was filled with steam from the shower and the moans from you both. Every single moment with him felt magical. He not once did anything you didn't like and with each new thing he asked for your permission which made you fall even herder for him. With every thrust came a moan from you but a praise from him. He had your neck , chest and stomach marked while he fucked you against the shower wall. You both switched positions often and by all means your shower was more than big enough for different portions at any time. With every position you felt the stress melt from both of your bodies and with every position you both became less tense and more relaxed.

"You are incredibly beautiful" he moaned looking you in your eyes. Eye contact was something you loved which made you responding so much harder. You moaned lifting your hans to his face. "You are incredibly sexy." You let out a giggle when he kissed your nose "thank you my love " you moaned In response. He quickend his pace as a tease knowing you wouldn't be able to respond. You two communicated through moans or praises until you both finished and finished twice in one night. By the time you two actually got out of the shower and dressed it was nearly 1am and you definitely weren't allowing him to leave.

"Steve?" You said from the bedroom. He walked in pulling on his shirt. "Spend the night. " You said running the brush through your hair one last time.

"Are you sure?" He asked and you nodded. "Definitely sure." You smiled.
You two cuddled in bed watching TV it started to feel a little strange not only having a man in your bed but nonetheless your boss. As you drifted off to sleep you felt him adjust beside you and then him kiss you head and very faintly you swore you heard

"I've been in love with you for such a long time y/n.."

But you weren't so certain thats what you heard so instead of questioning it you let sleep take you away until tomorrow morning.

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