I'd sacrifice my life for you

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Pov: Steve dies in the mall instead of billy.

This will not go anything like the episode it's based off of it yes but not to the T

Life hasn't been normal for steve his entire life but it became more bizarre after he became friends with Dustin. If you would've told younger steve that he would be fighting monsters with a couple of middle schoolers and high schoolers he would've laughed in your face but now obviously not. After fighting monsters and being kidnapped by Russians nothing really surprised him anymore. The day started out kind of normal and then it lead to be a really fucked up day. Steve  has spent most of his day brainstorming how to defeat the next set of monsters everything lead up to the mall and let me tell you it's been rough.

"I dont know what to do" nancy panicked. She whispered hiding behind the counter with me. This day has definitely been the absolutely worst. We thought it was over until the monster found us we were hoping we were safe at the mall but unfortunately not stupid of us to think that. Nancy Robin Dustin and I hid behind the counter trying to keep our breathing sounds at a minimum. Everything was being absolutely destroyed and it was so hard to not scream when things went flying over our heads or landing right next to us but we all tried so incredibly hard to be quite. Whenever the monster was distracted we were able to quickly run around trying out best to avoid being heard or seen well that worked until ... until it didnt. As we tried to escape to a new spot one of us made noise. The mind flayer suddenly went quite causing all of his to panic. I sat on the outside of the group. I wanted to be the first one it attacks giving Dustin nancy and Robin a chance at running and living. I tried to calm my breathing but running around like wild animals brings your heart rate up and unfortunately makes you breathe so much harder. You could hear it slithering and the wet gooey ness creep around the corners following the moaning and groaning as well as growling. Every hair on the back of my neck stood up, chills shot through my body when I saw the reflection of one of the tentacles creeping up on me. Thankfully a smashing sound not to far away from us caught its attention. The mind flayer roard as it went away from us.

"Go, go" I whisper yelled. We all got up again quickly leaping over debris. We found another spot to lay low. We moved around to a bigger spot which gave us more coverage we ended up moving closer to the rest of the gang. We all talked silently trying to come up with a game plan. But surprise surprise game plan or not the night went on the way no one could imagine. After what felt like hours and a whole lot of trying to espace it wasnt happing. Earlier I nearly risked my life and robins by hitting Billy's car with well the one we borrowed. Now we are hiding from not only the mind flayer but from Billy too. I wasnt a fan of him in the beginning but I honestly feel bad that hes been taking over. You could hear Billy walk around hunting for his victim. El. El is who he wanted and I'll be dammed if I let that happen. Shes one of my nuggets and I'll die protecting her and my other children. Footstep after footstep billy got closer and closer.

"Come out .. come out.. wherever you are." His voice sent chills down my spine it sounded incredibly dark. His voice was deep and dark almost robotic in a way. Showing fear is not something I do so I really had to keep it together when we saw Billy'a reflection walk by us. For a possessed man hes pretty fucking stupid if you ask me. I watched as the others ran , wasnt a good idea.

"No, no , no" I whispered. They sat themselves up for death. The mind flayer and billy caught them running,  in a panic I stood up and ran. I ran towards el and the others nearly there I was knocked over by no one other than Billy.

"Going somewhere?" He towered over me. I held my head trying to focus my vision since I hit my head going down.

"Billy.." I started "I know you're in there you dont want to do this, think of max !!" I tried so hard to convince him while slowly getting up preparing myself to have him attack me again. When i finally got to my feet it was a fist fight. Punch after punch. Skin on skin it was absolutely fucking hell but I bought them some time to run. Punch after punch I eventually heard my ears ring. I got some good punches in but Billy's always been better at fist fights. Completely covered in blood billy had a fist full of my shirt.

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