
43 4 0

Bronxville, NY
Ryojin's apartment

"Hhn~ wait- ahh" Landon whined, his arms were tied to the bedframe with red rope and his legs were propped inside a Shibari-styled leg suspender connected to the ceiling.

"Shh, just breathe, it's gonna be okay." Ryojin leaned down and kissed Landon's bare stomach, "You sure you don't want the blindfold off?"

Landon shook his head, wincing softly when the bed shifted once Ryojin got up; making the thing inside of him move slightly.

"Alright, I'll be right back Cookie. Don't move too much, everything's perfectly stable." Ryojin said before kissing Landon's forehead and leaving the bedroom.

Landon was left alone, blindfolded, bondaged, with a *sounding rod inside of him. It was explained by Ryojin before Landon agreed to allowing something to enter him from that side.

On the other side, Landon's ass was still slowly leaking cum from around the blue dildo inside; but each time he involuntarily clenched, the rod inside his dick moved slightly.

"Fuck...why did I agree to let him do this?" Landon muttered to himself, panting softly as he impatiently waited for his lover's return.

Ryojin had left to go pick up Daehyun from daycare since their sexual endeavour had lasted longer than either of them planned, with experimenting with new toys and positions.

25 minutes ago,

"Hyung, don't you think that's kind of....small to be going inside?" Landon asked, tilting his head so he could see around his binded arms raised above his head.

Ryojin chuckled softly, "It's not going in your ass, Cookie." he replied, using his gloved hands to apply lube to the metallic long, skinny pole.

Landon furrowed his eyebrows, "S-so where does it go?" he asked nervously, his heart was racing as usual but Landon wasn't scared.

"It goes here." Ryojin reached over and caressed the head of Landon's cock, running his thumb over the slit to coat it with lubricant.

Landon moaned, biting his lower lip.
"Consent?" Ryojin looked up at him, still slowly rubbing Landon's head.

Landon nodded furiously, "Y-yes. Yes!"
Ryojin smirked, turning his attention back to the task at hand.

Slowly, Ryojin pushed the rod into Landon's urethra until the large ball at the end stopped at the tip of his dick, that was the limit.

I-it....hurts? Landon whined softly, "I don't like it, it feels weird." he admitted in a low voice, lifting his head off the pillow to see the foreign object.

"I know, it's gonna feel weird for a bit. But what this does is, it enhances your pleasure and builds up your resistance to cumming." Ryojin explained, reached over and softly tapping the base of Landon's cock.

A sharp, shooting jolt of pain and pleasure ran through Landon's entire body, and he laid his head back to let out a breathy moan, "Ahhn~"

"If you don't want it in, say the word. I'll take it out and we never have to do this again, hm?" Ryojin waited beside the bed until Landon could regain his composure, still wearing the sterile gloves.

Landon shook his head, "No, d-don't take it out. K-keep going." he ordered, gasping softly for air.

Ryojin cocked an eyebrow, bare naked with only tattoos and gloves decorating his attractive body, "What was that Cookie?"

"Please, h-hyung. Keep g-going." Landon corrected himself, biting his lip to stop himself from screaming when Ryojin lightly tapped the ball at the end of the rod.

"Since you begged so prettily..." Ryojin snapped the gloves off his hands and onto the floor, applying lube to his own cock before positioning Landon's inside the suspender and pushing into him.

"mmh~ FUCK! ss-shit..." Landon exclaimed, shutting his eyes tightly as immeasurable amounts of pleasure- along with small amounts of pain- surged through his body, from his head to his toes.

Landon didn't say the safe word at any point and so Ryojin continued until he came inside the young adult.
Then he pulled out and quickly replaced his own appendage with a vibrating dildo.

"You have more stamina since you're younger. So for a few minutes, this is going to be my replacement." Ryojin explained calmly, which sounded like a load of bullshit to Landon.

He just wants to torture me with this rod thin- "fuuuuck!" Landon moaned loudly in suprise when Ryojin turned on the vibration feature and sent Landon into overdrive, making him want to cum more than anything.

But unfortunately, the sounding rod prevented his body from achieving its goal so Landon was in agony.

After some time, the blindfold was added and the suspender was raised so Landon's entire bottom was floating above the bed and only his back and neck remained laying down.

"Shit, it's 5 o'clock. Cookie, I have to go pick up Tokki, do you want me to untie you, or we can pick up where we left off when I get back." Ryojin turned off the vibrator as he quickly got dressed.

There's no way in hell I'm letting him re-tie me, but I don't want it to be over yet.... "J-just leave me like this... I'll be okay for at least 15 minutes."

Ryojin clicked his tongue, clearly trying to figure out what he should do.
"I don't want you to get limp so I'm not gonna take this out," he softly ran his finger over the rod's end, making Landon moan again.

He sighed, "Alright, I'll be back in a few minutes. Hold this and count to 30, each time you get to thirty turn it on and once you reach your limit, turn it off and start again, got it?" Ryojin ordered, placing the controller to the dildo in Landon's hand.

Landon nodded, "Yes hyung."
Ryojin smiled even though Landon couldn't see him.

"Behave, I'll be back soon and if you listen like a good boy, I'll reward you." Ryojin promised with a kind tone, running the back of his hand across Landon's forehead which was beaded with sweat from nervousness and the rigorous activity.

"Y-yes hyung."

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bc I'm sick and writing smut.... again-

*sounding rod: a special, thin metal rod used for the urethra (place where the cum comes out for guys) it enhances pleasure and prevents cumming

𝕃𝔼: 𝕃𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝟚 [BxM] 16+✔️Where stories live. Discover now