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Manhattan, NYC, NY
New York Courthouse
Private Court Room

"You don't have to be here Acey." Light said in a soft voice to his younger husband, fixing his shirt collar.

Ace shook his head and kissed Light's hand, "I can't not be here. I have to know we'll be alright after this."

Landon followed Ace to the table beside the one the judge was sitting at, alongside Alvarez.

Ace was wearing a red long-sleeved shirt and black slacks. Light was wearing a dark green dress shirt and dark grey jeans.

Ash came in a bit later than the others, wearing an all-black suit without a tie and the first two buttons were open showing off his wing tattoos.

The judge looked displeasing at Alvarez before clearing his throat, "Now that everyone's here, let's get started. Since you share a lawyer and both of you refuse to get another, you'll state your own claims and then we'll go from there."

Light's vision shifted over to Ash and their eyes locked for a second before Ash looked away, "I don't want shit-" he received a look from the judge, "...anything. I don't want anything."

"None of your shared assets?" Alvarez asked, taken by suprise at Ash's answer.

The murderer nodded sharply, "I fuc- messed up, and this entire divorce is my fault. I'm not taking anything, it's all his." Ash motioned to Light to emphasize who he was referring to, even though it was blatantly clear.

He's what... Landon was surprised, and intrigued. There were a few ways he was planning on this going; Ash showing up and taking everything, Ash not showing up at all. But his father claiming nothing, that wasn't something Landon saw coming.

"Alright." Judge Michael shook his head but looked at Light, "And you, Mr. Liegth?"

"I'm not taking it all." Light said to no one in particular but he was looking at his husband, Ash.

Light breathed slowly, "He can have 'The Light Catcher', I don't like boats anyway. The cabin in Cape Cod is yours, as well as the condo in LA." he stated calmly, nodding his head towards Alvarez.

When the lawyer was given his cue, Alvarez opened his briefcase and pulled out land deeds and other official documents, and slid them over to Light.

"Puppy-" Ash mumbled, completely taken aback.
Light grabbed a pen and began signing away his ownership of a few of the residences and assets under his name.

"The apartment in Juneau is Leah's graduation present so I'll keep it under our will." Light explained, handing Ash the pages he'd signed and then a list of assets he hadn't given to Ash, "Everything else on this list is the rest of the things we co-own, whatever you want just circle it and we'll work it out."

Ash looked down at the papers, stunned, before looking back up at Light. "Pup- Light, can we talk for a minute? Alone?" he asked in a low voice.

Light paused and then looked to Alvarez and Judge Michael as if asking them to leave, which they did. Emptying the room so it was just the Liegth family alone.

"I know this is rushed and honestly, I hate it. But if I don't get this finalized now, I'm never going to actually leave you." Light said in a soft voice, bravely admitting how much this was truly affecting him.

Ace reached over and caressed Light's shoulder softly.
"We're breaking our vows by doing this. But...maybe it's a good thing. Ash, you and I were never right for each other." Light continued with a more calmer demeanor now that he was being comforted.

Ash shook his head, "No, we weren't. And it's my fault, I treated you like shit the day we met; I've continued treating you like that our entire marriage." he sighed and rubbed his brow, "God, I don't know why you didn't leave me years ago."

"You too, Cherry. God knows the kind of shit I put you through. Neither one of you deserved it." Ash looked down at the papers on the table in front of him once more before pushing them back over to Light.

Light furrowed his eyebrows, "What is this? Why are you all of the sudden playing the 'good guy'?" he asked, staring at Ash.

"Light..." Ace called to him as if trying to stop him from saying those words.
Light shook his head, looking over his shoulder at Ace, "It's true. 14 years, fourteen. Have you ever once seen him agree with me?"

Ace opened his mouth to respond but instead paused and thought on it before shaking his head, "...No."

"Exactly." Light turned back to Ash, "So what the hell is this? Some kind of elaborate plan to trick me into seeing the better side of you again?" he asked accusingly.

"No. I know I fucked up, hurting you and hurting Landon; I've never wanted to be that kind of person. Cherry, I didn't want our sons to grow up in the kind of house you grew up in." Ash breathed heavily.

Light frowned as his eyes slowly filled with tears, "Okay, so let's say you're not playing me. That you aren't trying to be better for this moment until I take you back and then you threaten me all over again. What do you want then?"

"A chance." Ash answered, "I'll take whatever you don't want, I'll stay two continents away from you at all times if that's what you want."

Light was confused.
"But, if there's any part of you. Even the smallest part that still cares for me, I'm asking for a chance to change. To be a better husband and father, to prove to you I'm not the same person." Ash finished calmly.

Light felt like an ice sculpture that was under hot lamps to illuminate it for photos; pretty, but melting under the pressure.

"Maybe. Not right now but maybe someday soon, I'll always love you Ash. But your love isn't good for me, so maybe this divorce will be."

Vote and Comment!
bc ik ik, "Lexa, where's the Ryandon content?? I thought this was a romance book!"

well yeah, it is a romance but my favourite ship is dying so I'm taking this chapter to give them a send off I'm gonna hate a lot

Editor: she's dramatic, more Ryandon content is coming next chapter

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