Hospital once again 😰

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A/N: Ian called his parents and told them everything, they took Cody to the hospital right away, "MEDIC!!!" Ian shouted, the doctors took Cody to the ER, "mom is he going is he going" Ian sad and worried, "Ian calm down" she said in her calm voice, "he'll be fine I promise" his dad told him, -2 hours-

Doctor Nate'sPOV🩺: "Ian Grayson and family" I called out, "we're here and is Cody ok" Mr. Grayson asked "he fine we had to the stomach pump right away to take out the pills that didn't dissolve yet" I explained, "*sighs in relief 😮‍💨, thanks Doctor Nate" Ian thanked, "I'll call Cody's family and let them know what happened" I said and they left.

Chief Burns POV👮🏼‍♂️: (his ringtone)

"This the Chief" I answered,&Cheif it's about Cody I need you and your family to come back right now, I'll explain everything when you get here!& "dad what's wrong" Kade asked, "Doctor Nate just called, something has to do with Cody" I said, "good thing the race and our job here is over we can go back and see what happened" Dani said

They went back to Griffin Rock and went the hospital, "Doctor Nate called us about Cody" Chief Burns said, "ah yes right this way", Charlie, Kade, Dani and Graham followed the doctor to Cody's room, "no", "Cody", "oh my gosh", "wtf", they were in shocked
(What they see)

They went back to Griffin Rock and went the hospital, "Doctor Nate called us about Cody" Chief Burns said, "ah yes right this way", Charlie, Kade, Dani and Graham followed the doctor to Cody's room, "no", "Cody", "oh my gosh", "wtf", they were in ...

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"Oh Cody what did you do this time" Chief said, -an hour later- "hello Burns family".

Doctor Nate'sPOV🩺: "what happened to Cody" Kade asked, "Cody...overdose himself with happy pills" I said,
the family:😰😨, "Ian Grayson told me that he and the group found 3 small empty packs of happy pills in his room and the 5th one in the bathroom...

Ian and the other kids noticed something different about Cody, they found him passed out, Ian also said that he was pale and his lips were purple and he called his parents,

we took Cody to the ER and did stomach pump emergency right away to take out the pills that haven't dissolved yet, right now he's asleep, I'll let you know when he wakes up" I finished and I left the room.

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