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A/N: "SOMEONE CALL 190!" The Lady shouted ^190 what's your emergency's?^ "*a kid passed out on the side walk, he's covered in scares and bruises*" The man told the dispatcher ^ok I need the address so I can send the ambulance^ she said "*were at Av. Cel Joaquim Lúcio*"

^ok thanks and the ambulance is on its way keep checking on the child, how is he?^ she asked "*about 8 years old*" he said ^ok thanks the ambulance should be there in 1 minutes^ She said,,

people were worried about him one person was recoding the whole event when the ambulance arrived he stopped recording and send it to ZYA 508 news company "Someone send us a video about some kid passes out"

Woodrow'sPOV🗺: I was a restaurant with my friends we travel the world to find something new and then the news came on

=Breaking news a child passed out on to the sidewalk, this video that a person called the emergency headline others are questioning themselves what happened to the child, Sharl your up=

•"Thank you Maxine, here is the man who called the emergency headline, sir can you tell us what happened•"

("well I was texting my family that I was coming home from work and I see this kid struggling to walk and falls backwards then I hear a scream, I ran over to him he was covered in scares and bruises from head to toe, I called 190") , •"can you describe the boy"•

("He has sunflower yellow hair, brown eyes, about 8 years old, nice tan white skin and then the ambulance came and took him to the hospital") "-COUGH"

"woah Woodrow are you ok?" Jeremy asked "the boy he just described is my nephew, I gotta go" I got up from my chair and left to the hospital to see Cody. •"that's it right"• ("yeah") •"there you have it Maxine well now we know that the child is in good hands, this is Sharl  signing of"•.

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