The dream 😴

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A/N: after Cody was rushed to the hospital, the doctors told the family that Cody had a fever over 100.6 coughing up blood, sweating, hot pink cheeks, hard breathing, that they had to remove his clothes except his boxers, ac was cool enough for him to stop him from feeling hot,

"Cody cannot have his clothes on, his jacket off, no blanket, but we did manage to inject the medicine to stop the fever, the headaches, coughing, vomiting, running nose, and right now he's sleeping like a baby" Doctor Nate said,

Cody'sPOV💛:his dream: In my dream I saw a family of 3 a women, and a man they were sing to him the baby looked likes me bright yellow locks and brown eyes, the lady was singing this song to him: 🎶 Sleep, little one, close your eyes Your body's cooling with the night Let your worries slip away Tomorrow is a brand new day Shimmering moon and satin sky Soft wind breathes its lullaby Your dreams are here to set you free The dawn will bring you back to me The dawn will bring you back to me🎵 and then I woke up *what was that the song sounded so familiar and who were those people*. I thought and I went back to sleep.

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