A new arrangement

Start from the beginning

"But why is it important?" Steve asked, just as confused as Loki and the others by her voracious appetite for books on magic. Ever since she woke up one of the first things she asked for was access to the internet and as many of the god of Mischief's books on ancient magic.

"Well for one so I can go back to Valhalla. But it's only so I can visit." She rushed to say when she saw the stricken expression on Loki's face and the one of confusion on Steve's. Sighing softly she deflated against the mound of pillows at her back as she explained. "When I died that's where I ended up. Your mom was there to greet and guide me." Giving him a weak smile as if that would make up for not telling him sooner. "She says hi by the way."

"Valh– My mother…Why haven't you said something before now? It's been over a week since you died." Yeah and it had been a long ass week. She'd died and then once her heart started going it took another four days before she actually woke up. Her body had needed to heal and her soul needed to reacquaint itself to being back in the living realm. 

For the last three days she'd been feeling like she was being pulled in so many different directions. The medical and cognitive tests with Dr Thompson and Bruce. Visiting with her friends and her brother because they loved her and needed to make sure she was still alive. The guys and their same need. Only Steve had given her the respite she needed when he came to visit with her. While he would be in the room with her, he would just sit there with her so she could have quiet. It was like he could sense what she needed when she needed it. Katherine had never been more grateful than she was for his silence. Feeling mildly guilty about that thought since she wanted to be around everyone. She really did, it was just all so overwhelming.

"Because I wasn't ready to talk about it yet." Cautiously she brought up her next request. "I'm getting to the point where I'll need a teacher and Frigga has tapped you in since she's on the other side." Sitting up she criss crossed her legs as she leaned forward excitedly. "Your mom is so cool, Mischief. The things she knows..it just blows my mind. But not really when I see how much she taught you and Thor. I see her in you both so much." Her excitement dies down as she shifts her gaze to the few wispy clouds in the sunny June sky outside her windows. "I miss her." And Valhalla. Kat knew that they wouldn't understand that part and she didn't want to worry them so she kept it to herself.

"I miss her too," Sitting on the edge of her bed Loki reached out to grasp her hand. He looked so sad hearing about Frigga, but also really happy. Glad to know where she had ended up and hopeful that she was happy and at peace. "How was she?"

"At peace." Was the simplest way she could describe the way Frigga had come across. "It's so beautiful there." Staring off into space she smiled wistfully as she pictured Valhalla in her mind's eye. "Everything you could ever need or want at any time. The people. There are so many people there that aren't just Asgardians. I saw warriors of every kind. From every walk of life and culture." Katherine didn't realize it, but she lit up the more she talked. Giving away to Loki and Steve just how much she had enjoyed her time on the other side. While it made them sad because it reminded them of when she was gone. It also made them feel relieved that she had been somewhere nice and had someone to look after her.

Their conversation was interrupted when Buck came back with Dr Thompson who looked apprehensive. Katherine had become her number one patient and as with the rest of them she was nervous to let Kat out of her care. "Katherine, Bucky has told me you're threatening to crawl out of here if I don't release you. In my medical opinion I don't think you're quite ready to leave."

"I live less than twenty floors down, Sylvia." She points to the floor in the direction of her apartment. "If anything happens which I doubt since I've never felt stronger in my life, I can always come back up here." Her stubborn side snapped into full effect when the doctor looked ready to say no. "I don't need your permission to leave, yet I'm giving you professional courtesy by asking." 

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