Chapter 5

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~ Flashback ~

Rosalia and Ellie were sprinting down the streets of Jackson towards to mess hall, Rosalia's long dark hair flowing behind her as she tried to catch up to Ellie who was only an arms reach in front of her. The hot summer they were experiencing was slowing her down, she had forgotten to fill up her water bottle earlier so she was dehydrated and sweating profusely. 

"Girls? Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" Maria called after them as they ran past the stables making Rosalia slow down and eventually stop to run back to her aunt.

"Just a friendly competition Maria, though I think Ellie's won now," she grinned toothily as Ellie came sauntering over.

"I told you I'd win," Ellie playfully pushed her friends arm.

"Only because I stopped on purpose," she rolled her eyes folding her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow at Maria.  "Can we go? I have a race to win?"

"Fine be careful though a patrol is due in soon," Maria walked away laughing at them. Taking advantage of Ellie being distracted Rosalia punched her arm and ran away, having had those few minutes to catch her breath she was able to run ahead of Ellie and race towards the hall giggling as she did so, Ellie having built up so much momentum though struggled to stop as they reached the hall that Rosalia was taken down by Ellie as they rolled to the ground the two teenagers giggling and laughing as they caught their breath.

"Fuck me it's hot," Ellie sighed her chest heaving up and down.

"You're wearing a long sleeved top I'm not surprised," Rosalia pulled herself up dusting off her shorts and holding a hand out to Ellie.

"Yeah well, let's go eat yeah?" Ellie shrugged and nudged Rosalia completely avoiding her comment about her long sleeves. "Come on I'm starving," she tugged on Rosalia's arm pulling her into the building where the rest of their friends were sat.

After a hearty meal Rosalia and Ellie wandered back down to Ellie's house, the air was cooler and the cicadas had started up their evening song as the sun had began to set. They were waiting on Joel coming back from a 3 day patrol with Tommy so they had been staying at Ellie's together until they did.

"Hey you never really answered earlier?" Rosalia questioned, her gaze travelling to Ellie's arms.
"Why do you wear long sleeves all the time?"

"You never directly asked," Ellie mumbled trying to avoid looking at Rosalia. "Let's just discuss this at home,"

"Okay fine, but you owe me..." she paused trying to think of something. "A beer," grinning she turned to stare at Ellie who just rolled her eyes.

"You don't even like beer," ellie scoffed at her friend's ridiculous request but nodded anyway. "But sure Lia I'll get you a beer,"

"I do so, me and Tommy drink it sometimes when Maria is out,"

"You mean you take sips from his bottle?"

"Whatever just cause you prefer whiskey," she pulled a face and stuck her hand out wards sticking up her pinky in a fancy matter of fact way.

The walk back didn't take long and soon they were back at Ellie's, Rosalia was sitting on the bed chewing on the skin around her nail anxiously while ellie paced back and forth.

"Can you just like tell me already?"

"Maria Tommy and Joel made me promise I wouldn't," the 16 year old retorted back. "I swore I wouldn't so if I tell you this you absolutely cannot utter a single word or even pretend that you know okay?"
Ellie's eyes were wide and bright, her nerves kicking in as she was about to reveal one of her biggest secrets.

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