Chapter 4: Mission: save

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As the rise turtles follow the 2012 turtles, footbots came out of nowhere at started to attack the turtles making ralphie putting Leon down to defend his fragile brother.

But when turtles were attacking they didn't notice someone or something is trying to kidnapped Leon. Leon let out a loud screech making the turtles to look at Leon getting kidnapped.

Raphie: LEO! LET GO OF HIM!!


The kidnapper manage to escape with Leon who pass out with a tranquilliser. The kidnapper ran, ran till he was at someone's lair. The shredder's lair. The kidnapper takes of his mask revealing to be Tiger claw. Tiger went inside the lair to meet the Shredder.

Tiger claw: Master Shredder, I found something you might like...

Shredder turns around to see tiger claw with a weird looking turtle that pass out.

Shredder: So what is this...?

Tiger Claw: I was spying on the Turtles and I found more turtles having a conversation but I found this turtle look hopeless so why not we use this turtle as a weapon.?

Shredder was silent thinking what tiger claw means and realise what Tiger Claw wants to do.

Shredder: I see what your plan is. But I must say it is a good idea. Take him to Baxter's lab, we will discuss what to do with him.

Tiger Claw obey Shredder and take Leon with him at Baxter's lab.

Meanwhile with the turtles.

Micheal: they took him!

Leo: wait, you guys are injured we have to heal up first then will get him.

Dee: But we don't have time, we have to save him. Who knows what's gonna happen to him!

Raph: Yeah we know you guys are worry about your Leo but we need to make a plan. We can't just try to find him with those injuries. Who knows we will get ambush again!

Raphie: Guys their right, we have to make a plan to save Leon.


Raphie: Mikey, we will hurt him more if he sees us like in this condition.

Micheal was still in shock that his brothers and their otherselves told him to calm down when his own brother just got kidnapped infront of his eyes but he knew they are telling him it will be worse so he just gave up and all of them went into the TMNT lair.

Micheal: So this is your place?

Mikey: Yup make yourself feel like home!

Donnie: Okay I might need to see your injuries it could lead to infection.

The rise turtles nod and follow Donnie.

After some checking they seem to be fine. But now they have a bigger problem their Leon is still at that kidnapper.

Leo: Okay team, let's make a plan to save Your Leo.


Sorry for the long update I'm just being so stupid to forgot about this project and no worries il try to update once a week I guess.

He's ok if we're here together (DISCONTINUE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें