Chapter 56: Meltdown

Start from the beginning

You sunk down against Pharaoh, certain you had explained everything you needed to but Mr.Stark spoke up, "not to be rude or anything but I thought your brother hated us mortals Thor, what could he want with making Gracie". You popped back up and looked over at them before briefly turning your gaze at Thor before turning away, realizing she was going to have to tell them. "Well, you see..." you began regaining their attention, "back in my universe, we have a Loki too but he's not a bad guy, well, at least not anymore, he's actually an Avenger and also there's a thing with Asgardians that they get a clue to find their soulmate and I'm kind of his I guess...". The others were quiet, processing your words and seeing as you were so nervous you continued, "and um so... your Loki was spying on all of us and apparently he read my mind because I said "Loki" in my sleep while he was doing said spying and knows all of this and decided that I would be his Midgardian pet, or I guess". You then let out an awkward laugh that lasted a little too long, with a tense silence to follow, as it was certainly a lot to handle as they knew how dangerous their God of Mischief was. 

 Hawkeye leaned back in his chair stretching, jokingly asking if there was anything else you needed to tell them before muttering that there couldn't be anything else to shock them. Seeing as you were still quiet tense and overwhelmed still you blurted out that the Mutant hero Wolverine was your father. You gave them a nervous smile really hoping someone would change the subject, but no luck as Tony pulled up footage of this universe's Wolverine. You looked at it with a bit of surprise, he was nearly an exact match for your own father, I mean the costume was different but personality-wise and looks they seemed to be the same. "That freaky" you mutter, as it was very strange to see, especially since you thought you had gotten used to meeting everyone's duplicate. 

Everyone then discussed the best way to keep you safe, with the meeting going on so long you left and came back with breakfast for everyone and they were still talking. They suggested you stay with Dr.Strange at the Sanctum, or perhaps they could talk to the Black Panther about having you stay in Wakanda for a while, and even getting Shield to let you stay at one of their safe houses. Now you staying in any of these places was one thing, a giant wolf going with you was another, no doubt a "wild" animal would no doubt complicate things. Pharaoh would have little trouble in Wakanda as there was plenty of space to run around but it was unlikely that they'd let you stay being an outsider. On the other hand, they would have little trouble getting Dr.Strange or Fury aboard if it was just you, but you weren't sure how they felt about animals, especially an animal with vast intelligence, super-strength and other abilities.   This continued on for several more minutes until Thor finally spoke up, saying you could come and stay in Asgard, with everyone noticing his hesitation. They inquired what was up, but the Thunderer took a moment to respond, soon stating that Asgard would have better security, seeing as it would have strong magic to break into or an all-out assault. "But I worry about how my father will take this news, his opinion of Midgardians isn't exactly great and seeing as Loki is after her, bringing her there could put the others in danger, it might take some time to convince him," Thor said, wracking his brain on the subject. The Thunderer gave his word to protect you and would give his life if necessary, his only concern was for the other Asgardians and his father, what would they do?

So it was decided, you would be going to Asgard for your own safety, with you packing up all of your stuff that same day, although you didn't go right away. You stopped by the Sanctum Sanctorium to inform this Dr.Strange that you'd be staying in Asgard for a while, so he could inform your Loki, Thor, and Dr.Strange when they came. You also wanted to wait until Hulk got back, as you wanted to say goodbye but he didn't come back in time, with you giving the Avengers strict instructions to say hi, goodbye, and give him a hug from you. They promised but they knew that the last part would be tricky as it would seem you were the only one who could hug Hulk and walk away still in one piece. 

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