"I will explain everything. For now, let us get you some refreshment and a chair. You're looking a little pale." Chuckling at her poor joke, Frigga gilded forward and hooked her arm around Kat's. Taking her time Frigga led the way towards a large lodge or hall that looked like what Kat had seen depicted in every viking movie or TV show ever. Humming softly to herself Frigga let Katherine's racing mind mull over the information she'd given her. It was to be expected with someone from Midgard and for someone so young, to not understand how this all came about but she would in time. And as she had all the time in her afterlife to teach her son's beloved what she knew just as she taught him and his brother, Frigga patient as ever, took them the long way to the dining hall. 


Taking several long gulping drinks of the honeyed mead she'd been given, Katherine's eyes roamed the long dining hall. It was full to bursting with warrior's of every kind and walk of life, not just Asgardians. They feasted, drank, sang, talked and laughed as they recounted battles from their past lives and what their hopes were for the next one in the morning. Setting her large mug down once it was empty she licked at her upper lip to get at every drop of the liquid sunshine. Her manners were currently lacking but she was dead and in shock so that should give her some leeway, right? Turning to look back at Frigga who nodded hello to a group of women all dressed alike she bit her bottom lip. This was real. She was sitting in Valhalla with the former queen of Asgard, Loki and Thor's mother. And here she was dead but it was only temporary. Yeah, she was gonna need a lot more mead to deal with this.

As if on cue a beautiful blonde maiden stopped by her side and refilled her mug. Raising her fair brows she asked in a sweet voice, "Are you hungry, my lady? We have a fine selection of the best meats, cheeses and bread." Thinking about it Katherine suddenly found herself feeling absolutely ravenous. Her stomach gurgling loudly had the seemingly young woman laughing as she waved down another maiden. One who instantly carried over a large platter with several options to choose from. "Here you are, my lady. Nothing but the best for an einherjar such as yourself. Enjoy and if you wish for more, simply raise your hand." (Warrior)

Thanking them both, Kat began to make a sandwich. Tearing into the loaf of warm brown bread she added finely sliced creamy nutty cheese and what looked like roasted pork. Taking a bite her eyes rolled back in her head as she moaned. This was the best sandwich she'd ever tasted in her life. Like the mead, everything here tasted like pure heaven. Soft laughter drew her attention back to Frigga who watched her with delight and amusement. Swallowing, she took a quick sip of her drink to wash it down. "Sorry, this is just so good. I've never had anything like it before. It's just plain bread, meat and cheese and yet it's like sunshine and rainbows in my mouth." It sounded hokey, but it did. Not that she'd ever actually tasted sunshine or rainbows before.

"Like Torvi said, only the best for our warriors." Frigga says with a mysterious smile. That probably either meant she didn't know why it did or she would tell her another time. Taking a sip of her own drink the former queen watched as Kat devoured her food and mead until she was full and then stood. "Are you ready?"

No, she wasn't. But if Frigga was right and she really was going back she wanted to know what she had to look forward to. "Not particularly, but when are we ever ready for something like this?" Nodding as if what she said was wise, the other woman held out her hand for her to take.

Taking it, Katherine walked side by side with her and exited the dining hall. They continued on until they reached a beautiful garden filled with all sorts of flowers. Some she recognized, some she didn't but all absolutely stunning. The air was fragrant but not overwhelmingly so. Like everything else here it was in perfect balance. Strolling over to a shaded wooden bench they sat down in front of a babbling fountain. The music of the simple spray falling into the basin had her feeling like she should be up on her feet dancing until her legs gave out. And the clear water sparkling in the warm sun? It had Kat feeling like laughing with joy from how happy it made her. She felt at peace here. While she yearned to go back, deep down she wished she could stay. That thought had her sobering up and feeling guilty because there were so many people who counted on her back in the living realm. People who loved and cared about her. Mathew came to mind. How could she ever think about abandoning her other half? And what about Bucky, Loki and even Steve? The shame of the very idea of staying here while they were back there made her heart heavy.

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