"Truthfully, it was entirely her genius that saved us. After your second battle ended, she set her firecat loose, letting it set the halls of the Crypt ablaze. The guards, terrified of the flame, ran from their posts, leaving the princess' door unattended. When she let me out, she told me to find the Great Bear and I would be saved. I didn't know what she meant by that, but suddenly I was grabbed and pulled through a pocket in the world."

"When I reappeared, I was standing in a cell beside Varyn, and then it hit me. Varyn was the Great Bear I was supposed to find, and whoever pulled me through the pocket knew that, too. He looked exhausted, leaning against the burnt cell walls, so I helped him to his feet."

"Varyn is alive," I gasped, my guilt over his death forcing tears to well up in my eyes.

"Yes, he told me about your–your meltdown. He didn't know how he survived it, but after the flames cooled he realized you were gone. Together, we snuck through the door that had been ripped from its hinges. Varyn knew of a forgotten exit so we trekked carefully through the dark caves."

"Unfortunately, we moved too slow due to Varyn's exhaustion. Lord Cian's soldiers were approaching quickly, nearly nipping at our heels. We would've been caught, too, if it wasn't for someone opening a pocket for us to jump through. We didn't know where it would lead us, but anywhere was better than the hands of Crypt legionnaires. So, we jumped, and when we appeared on the other side, we landed in this room we're in, now."

"After leaving Varyn on the bed, I saw you lying on the chaise, or what I assumed was you. I had never seen you outside of your dragon form, but I felt it, felt your spirit lingering in the body. I ran to you, screaming your name, hoping you'd hear me and wake up, but nothing worked. My screaming and tears were so loud, they drew the attention of another in the house. That was how I met our host and our savior."

Gavin breathed heavily, relieved to have the story off his chest. I grasped the hands of my companion, my friend, and softly smiled at him, relief filling my heart, too.

"I'm just so thankful you are okay and Varyn is alive. I'm forever in debt to whoever saved you both," I said before asking, "When will I be able to meet our host?"

"I'm not sure. He tends to come and go as he pleases with very little warning," Gavin replied, "Last time he made an appearance was about four days ago, I think."

"Four days? How long was I gone?" I inquired as Gavin looked at me, face plastered in confusion.

"Gone? You weren't gone, Lyda. You were here the whole time, unconscious on the chaise."

"That can't be right. I was with Seraphina and the other draki in a castle," I rambled, trying to figure out how I could possibly be in two places at once.

"That must have been a dream. I've checked on you every day since we arrived two weeks ago," Gavin calmly said, talking to me like I was a frightened animal.

Two weeks.

Two weeks had passed since my breakdown in the cell. Two weeks had passed, and I had been unconscious the entire time. Two weeks had passed in what I assumed had only been a day. I was questioning everything now. Were Seraphina and the draki even real? Was any of it real or just my mind imagining it? As if he could sense me slipping deep into my mind, Gavin grasped my shoulders tightly as he said,

"Don't worry, Lyda. We'll figure out what happened. We'll find the truth, together."

In that moment, I prayed to Thalassa and thanked her for bringing my friend back to me. I knew that even in my darkest hours, he would always be by my side. Now that we were together again, I would make sure nothing and no one would tear us apart. I shook myself lightly, clearing my mind and mustering up a smile.

"Speaking of truth, would you care to share with me some details about our savior? I'd like to know a little bit about him before he decides to, as you put it, appear again," I jokingly said. Gavin, his faced etched with a sly expression, shrugged his shoulders.

"He's a lot like you, honestly. He's very stubborn and controlling, and takes everything way too seriously. He's attractive I'd say, if you're attracted to men that is, and obviously mysterious. I never know what strange thing he will say next," Gavin rambled on, "Oh and he has to be wildy rich based on this room. I mean, rich and handsome, what more could someone ask for?"

Gavin and I laughed in unison now, rolling backwards and curling up. It felt good to laugh again, to feel a glimmer of happiness shine through my dark past.

"Now, that is an introduction," a cruel voice murmured from the doorway. The spark of happiness I had shone was put out by the dark, broody cloud hanging over the room. I knew who the voice belonged to, knew who I'd see when I turned my head.

"Ah, you're back!" Gavin exclaimed, jumping up to meet the man at the door. I kept my head down, trying to hide from his piercing gaze I could feel staring me down.

"Gavin, would you be so kind as to introduce me to my guest?" the cold man smoothly asked, his voice sending chills down my spine. I felt the marks on my hands sear deeper into my skin like it was warning me of the danger in the room.

"Of course," Gavin politely responded, "This is Lyda, my closest friend and savior."

Now, I braved myself to meet his eyes. I rested my chin on the back of the lounge and faced the man who I'd soon call master. Prince Kellen, biting his lip in anticipation of our meeting, leaned his lithe body against the frame of the door. He was wearing that same black tunic, this one trimmed in leather, and on top of his head was a coronet made of black steel. Adorning the crests were platinum flames that appeared to set his dark, raven hair on fire. His cold black eyes met mine, death incarnate staring into my very soul.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, little dragon."

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