Chapter Sixteen

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When I woke the next day, I knew I was in entirely new surroundings. The smell of fresh pine and salty sea breeze filled my lungs. I could hear the light fluttering of wings ruffling through the skies. As I opened my eyes, I was in awe.
I looked out into a vast sea with waters as clear and blue as the purest of sapphires and it sparkled even brighter. Beneath me, cool, smooth black pebbles formed a thick blanket on the banks of the open waters. To either side of my peripheral, pale mountain ranges formed a formidable wall, their peaks glistening in the sun like silver. Behind me, a great pine forest sprinkled the land in youthful evergreen. The warm breeze beckoned my body to rise and explore this new land.

I stood up, taking in everything, scanning the skies as shadows of birds flew above. At least, I believed they were birds. The closer I looked, the more I realized it was no birds I was seeing, but some sort of winged creature soaring over me. There were four of them, dipping and leaping through the milky white clouds, flying so freely. I had never felt happiness like the one I knew they were feeling, but I wanted it for myself. I kept watching them, hoping some of their joy would drip from the skies to bless me. Their long leathery wings only confirmed what I hoped. They were like me, and I had to meet them.

They formed a line, sailing above the forest and I raced after them. I urged my feet faster and faster, nearly tripping over stones and sticks in my path. I kept my eyes on the sky, desperate to keep them in my sight, as they flew further and further into the woods.

I continued my pursuit, feet aching and sweat dripping from my skin, my footsteps quietly pounding against the ground. The wind whipped against my face and the warmth filled my heavy lungs. The creatures soared ahead of me, and I cried out,

"Wait, please," praying that they would hear me, begging for them to come to me, "Don't leave me."

I fell to my knees, reaching out for them, waving my arms to snare their attention. It was no use. They could not see nor hear me. I was alone in these strange woods, now, with no way of knowing which way to go from here.

Rather than sit and wait for someone to find me, I resolved to trek through the forest until I stumbled upon someone or something to tell me where I am.

I hauled myself over rocks and fallen trees through this endless forest, my muscles aching from the hike. It felt like hours moving through an unchanging environment, and yet, there was something peaceful about it. The breeze swayed the tips of the pines and a quiet calm lingered like a morning fog over everything. Maybe it was not so horrible to be lost here, I thought to myself.

As the breeze blew again, I heard it whisper in my ear, calling for me. Pine needles swept up from the ground, blowing with the whisper to my left. I let my eyes follow it, searching beyond the wood for whoever was calling to me. Each brush of breeze billowing past me echoed comfort and stability, a feeling of home.

Like a hypnotized child, I trailed after it, and as I walked, the forest appeared to open up around me. Trees uprooted and crawled aside until I was standing in the center of a plain. The hills around me rolled like lush green waves of the sea. Miles ahead, a large mountain, rising higher than the ranges around it, cradled a onyx  castle adorned in slate roofed turrets. Against the pale mountain, the castle was a dark horse, rearing its legs and ready to gallop into the horizon.
The wind caressed my cheek, urging me to find whatever destiny awaited me at the castle. I heard the whipping of air above me, and I saw the creatures once more, circling an eastern tower. It was as if the forest knew I was looking for answers, leading me to what I desired the most.

I wasted no time, sprinting towards my destination, the wind against my back. Despite my feet being firmly planted on the ground, I felt like I was flying, lighter than air and faster than light. Within minutes, I found myself at the extraordinary gate to the castle.

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