Chapter Fifteen

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I was dragged into the pit arena once more, the booing of the crowd echoing as I entered. Frozen in my pain-struck state, I lay there being spat on and cursed at as the guards slowly removed my chains. My guards lingered, taking their time and joining in with the taunting of the crowd. I looked up through my heavy-lidded eyes and saw Lord Cian perched on his stone throne once again, the two women nowhere to be seen, today.

Lord Cian stood, hands raised to silence his demanding crowd of subjects. The people hushed and hummed waiting on the edge of their seats for their god to speak.

"Are you ready to be," he paused long here, dragging out the dramatic reveal, "entertained?"

Cian's voice bellowed throughout the cavernous room, and his people cheered in harmony, like a thundering battle cry. Leaning over the parapet, Lord Cian pointed his finger at me, and shouted,

"I give you the draki!"

The crowd shifted back to their taunting and harassing. It seems I was not the champion they wanted. I smiled my wicked smile, teeth gleaming in the lantern light. I was their villain. I slayed their champion and would kill this one, too. Cian, agitated by his audience's disapproval, motioned for them to cease speaking.

"You dare to disapprove of my champion?"

The crowd went silent as if death were watching them. They had stepped too far, and their ruler's patience had grown too thin. When no one challenged him, he sat back down, triumphant in his pursuit of absolute control. Janus, now, appeared beside him, kneeling at the foot of his chair. Lord Cian willed him to stand, and Janus seated himself in the chair to the left of his lord. Leaning in, Janus whispered something that had Cian's eyes light up, like a child receiving a wrapped present.

"My people, it gives me great pleasure to announce a new champion," the lord barked, a conniving smile painted on his face, "I give you, the Great Bear of the North."

From the portal I had just been dragged out of, a giant snow white bear emerged, a full suit of silver armor covering its body and a helm covering its face. The crowd roared in favor of the Great Bear. Their cheers were loud enough to drown out his roars and growls. Amidst the chanting, I locked eyes with the bear, both of us eager to size up our opponent for battle, and that was when I realized who stood before me.

It was Varyn.

Those same eyes had looked at me ever so seriously not so long ago on that mountain. He had stayed behind to help Evonne, to guard his queen. Now, here he was, a prisoner like me, forced to fight for his life. How did he end up here?

"Varyn, what are you doing here?" I whispered to him, not wanting to reveal we were familiar with one another. Varyn and I started our dance, circling about the arena, backs to the wall. Our growls sounded like hushed whispering amongst the roars of the people.

"Shut your mouth, draki, or I'll tear out your tongue," Varyn snarled, murderous intent in his voice.

"Varyn, it's me," I whispered back just as he swiped his giant paws, aiming for my face.

"I don't care who you are, but I will be winning this fight," he shouted, charging at me again. I dove sideways in the air, wings fluttering as I moved about. He was throwing all of his force into the fight, each punch tossed freeing the leash he held on his power. It was like he was fighting his body with his mind, eyes serious but fearful at the same time, like he was under an enchantment. He did not recognize me, he did not know me like I had been wiped from existence in his mind.

"Varyn, I don't want to hurt you," I warned him, lightly clawing at him with my talons, doing my best to keep the crowd intrigued and distracted. The Great Bear, ignoring my warning, threw himself upon me, knocking me to the side. His claws slashed through my side, staining my scales with my blood. I wrestled against him, trying to free myself from his weight, but he only placed a heavy paw on my throat. Cutting off my air, he leaned in, his hot breath coating my neck. He moved up, whispering in my ear,

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