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I do not own any of the characters from Agents of Shield. All rights go to Marvel and ABC. I created all the characters not in the show as well as my own plot line. Alex, Peter, Fields, Truman, etc. are all from my own head. Just don't go and write your own story with my characters or plot line. Ight? We cool? Ight.


Isn't it funny?
There are 7 billion people on this Earth. This world. This realm. It has existed for millions upon millions of years, and you exist now.

You. You're living. You're breathing, you are occupying space. Isn't it funny that you could have lived in another of those millions years or been another one of those billion people, but you are not. You're you.

You are human, living on Earth. Happy, sad, whatever you are, it's rather irrelevant to the entirety of the universe. Isn't it funny how those others 7 billion people have brainwashed you into thinking you are the only thing living in this world, in this universe. But you're not. You live in a galaxy of humans and gods and aliens, but you refuse to accept it, because it's beyond you're mental grasp.

Isn't it funny how humans use only a mere percentage of their brains? How they are capable of so much more, but the only thing preventing them from unlocking the actual alien inside themselves are those tiny morsels of code known as genes? The human mind is capable of such extraordinary things, yet we use it for such ordinary tasks. We plan our day and we drink our coffee but the only time when we are really free is when we dream, and to do that we must be asleep.

Isn't it funny how as you walk down the street drinking your coffee you may pass by another person with an extraordinary mind such as you but is now doing extraordinary tasks with it? That person can fully grasp the things you cannot, and they are above you in a sense, more gifted than you, have special abilities unlike you. But you'd never know it.

Isn't it funny?

The Snapshot {An Agents of Shield Fanficton} [1]Where stories live. Discover now