-extra class-[Jeongchan ⚠]

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I was drawing something on my notebook when the door slid open, revealing the man of my dreams and making my gaze and attention immediately shift towards his direction.

Black blazer over the almost transparent white shirt ,tie hanging low around his neck, wet hair slicked back neatly and pants that hugged his muscular yet slender legs perfectly. He looked like a greek god and no matter how much I'd compliment him, it will never be enough.
I've gone head over heels the moment my eyes had landed on him.

He walked in and everyone stood up and greeted him.

It might sound pretty wierd and you might think I'm a creep but yeah,I have a big fat crush on our professor Mr.Bang or to be more casual, Chan.
Well, he wasn't really old like the other teachers here.Perhaps on his mid twenties but he still looked younger than that.

Chan went towards his desk and flashed a smile to the students and I swear it was the most charming and brightest sight ya'll will ever see.He took out his english book and started the lesson but who's gonna pay attention when there is a hotass man standing there looking like a damn five course meal,lol not me.

He was explaining about the rules of grammar and yeah I didn't understand shit so I just continued drawing in my notebook listening to his amazing voice. And also his english accent was very satisfying to hear.

"....and the last rule is you should end punctuation correctly.Make sure that you're using the correct punctuation mark for your the sentence for the tone you want"
Mr.Bang closed the book which meant the class was now over.

"so I'll be leaving for now and if anyone has any questions regarding the lessons you can meet me at my office after school alright?"

"yes sir!"Everyone said together and stood up to bow.

The rest of the day went as usual me not giving a damn about the lecture.My head was only filled with Chan.
I'm gonna meet him after school,I thought. I just needed a reason to be close to him.

After the school was over and all the students left I grabbed my book and sprinted towards chan's office.
When I reached there I made sure to fold my shorts so he can get a better view of my thighs.

(his outfit btw:)

(my fashion sense sucks,like really bad so ya'll can imagine your own outfits👄💅)

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(my fashion sense sucks,like really bad so ya'll can imagine your own outfits👄💅)

Till now,I've ve tried many ways to get his attention but none of them worked and I nearly gave up until one day when I was wearing a skirt I saw him staring at my thighs and since then I made sure to wear skirts and shorts almost everyday.

I quickly applied some pink lip gloss and fixed my hair before knocking on the door.

I heard a faint "come in" from there so I slowly twisted the door knob and peeked my head inside first.

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