chapter 16: academy of sorcery

Start from the beginning

They continue on and encounter more of those corpse people, they even got ambush by a hound. Around the path is an entrance that is being guarded by a hound, but yet again was simple to defeat. They came to an area where a giant machine is seen on their right and another giant alter. But on its left is something else they have never seen before. A purple yet dark vortex is seen forming on the right side.

Vanoss: what is that?

Wildcat: I don't know, but I don't like it

Delirious: let's go and see

Delirious went up ahead to examine what the strange vortex is. But once he got close the vortex brightens a little and a tall being comes walking out of it. This being is tall with its skill being pale and it has a curve sword.

Vanoss: del get back!

Delirious move away and runs back to his friends. But the being use it's swords to conjure it's magic and shoots a dark purple orb at delirious. This magic cause delirious to be pulled back twords the tall being and it attempt to slice delirious. But with his quick reaction he move away and calls his friends for help. Vanoss charge in and throws his fireball at the creature as wildcat use his swords ability to summon a carian great sword. The creature moves back and stabs the ground with his sword, this can some sort of magic wave that pulls in all of them. The being than swings his at the guys as they are pushed away. Delirious use his glintstone magic, but the creature moves out of the way and runs up to them. Wildcat gets up and right it was about to strike wildcat use his sword to summon a carian great sword and stabs the chest of the creature. It stops in place and drops it's weapon, which it broke once it hit the ground. The creature began to fade into dust and leaving behind a glowing paper

Wildcat: you guys ok

Vanoss: yes, thanks tyler

Wildcat: anytime

Delirious: what's that?

Wildcat looks on the floor to see a piece of paper that is emitting a purple magic. Picking it up he sees that it's a sorcery magic, but this one is different than what delirious has. He goes to him and gives him the sorcery paper to him.

Wildcat: here del, think this might help you

Delirious: let's see *examines it* gravity well?

Vanoss: gravity well? What is that?

Delirious: it says that it a type of magic that manipulate gravity

Vanoss: so gravity magic

Delirious: ya, guess this is my new magic

Wildcat: cool, now you can do what that thing was doing

Delirious: ya

Vanoss: ok, but now where do we go

The guys look to see that this is a dead end and they look around to see where to. But they found nothing and a path that looks to be the on their right is too high. Delirious looks around more and noticed something about those giant gears. They look like platforms that goes up to something, he should give it a try but at what cost.

Delirious: guys!

Vanoss: yes

Delirious: I think those gears might take us somewhere

Wildcat: up their?

Delirious: yes

Vanoss: are you sure, it this doesn't take us anywhere

Delirious: I know, but let's try it

Vanoss: ok, let's see

They go to delirious and waited for a platform to show up. Once it did they all quickly jumped on it and make their way up. They were worried that this might be a bad idea, but when they are at a certain point they see that there is another part of the place. They jumped off and look to see a way back inside of the academy. They run inside and found another site of grace as they activate it.

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