chapter 7: margit the fell

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Vanoss and delirious were resting on a grace that is by an broken house. Wildcat went out to go hunt for some food for the guys. They haven't eaten anything since they got here so wildcat went to hunt some goats. Vanoss and delirious wait and discuss about this place they are in.

Delirious: you know

Vanoss: what?

Delirious: I never thought that I would do magic

Vanoss: ya I mean, who wouldn't have thought magic could exist

Delirious: well that would only be here instead of our world

Vanoss: ya

Delirious: hey if we complete this quest and everything else, does that mean we go back home and loose all this magic

Vanoss: well that's a bit to soon to know

Delirious: I'm just saying because I feel as I don't want this to go away

Vanoss: well find out soon

Delirious: ya

Than they see wildcat who his bring a dead goat with him. They didn't think that wildcat would bring a whole goat instead of pieces of it.

Wildcat: hey guys

Vanoss: hey

Delirious: you found an animal to kill

Wildcat: there was a lot of them and they flee when they saw me

Delirious: but you got one

Wildcat: ya

Wildcat sets the dead goat down and cuts it open for the meat. He pulls out a chunk of mean and shows it to vanoss.

Wildcat: ahem

Vanoss: what?

Wildcat: well

Vanoss: well what?

Wildcat: are you going to cook it

Vanoss: we didn't get a fire started

Wildcat: hmmmmm

Vanoss: oh I see, just because I got fire magic does mean I can cook it on my hand

Wildcat: better than an stove

Vanoss: huh fine, give me the meat

Wildcat hands him the goat meat and vanoss takes it. He holds the meat on one hand and starts his fire magic underneath the meat. Tho they aren't sure how hot vanoss fire magic is and seems that vanoss could barely feel it. They can see the meat is being cook quite quickly so that's means it's completely hot. After that vanoss gave wildcat the cook meat.

Vanoss: ta-da

Wildcat: wow

Delirious: so your flame doesn't hurt you

Vanoss: well no, but it feels warm

Delirious: ok

Vanoss: I'll cook yours del *take a meat and cooks it*

Wildcat: so what do you think is wait up there

Delirious: more soldiers

Vanoss: something bad

Wildcat: alright

Delirious: let's enjoy are food before we go up there

Vanoss: yup

So the guys began to enjoy their meal thanks to vanoss fire magic. It's not meant for cooking and everything but it help them when they need food. They had a good time eating and after that they got up and move on. Up the path they are taking was a group of soldiers coming, so they took the chance of warming up by killing them. Simple as they are but not to what they are going to run into. They took a left of the path and see something that caught their eyes, a silver ball with a bug on top of it. They aren't sure what it is but I look something to see it. They go up to it and saw it running away with the silver ball. They chase after it for some unknown reason but this thing might have something valuable.

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