chapter 4: the lands between part 2

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Vanoss and his friends are heading west to see what they find to kill. Tho there are animals all around but they don't give runes they believe. They pass by a ruin they saw at the first grace, next they see something big coming up the hill. A giant creature walking up from the coast with a giant gold sword on its back. They would fight it but they aren't strong enough to take it on. Delirious looks to his right and can see some people digital into the ruins. He thought that this could be a good idea to use his magic at them. So he went up to them as his friends saw him walking away.

Wildcat: del where are you going

Delirious: to see how I use my magic on those guys

They went with delirious so that they can see his magic abilities. Normally stuff like this would be in video game or magician stuff. But doing magic like this could be hard as they don't know how to use it. Delirious stop midway from the people and tries to use his staff. He pointed his at them to see if it did the trick, unfortunately it did nothing. He tries to wave his staff around like a Disney fairy and points it at them, but he remembers that it's he's using and not a wand, unless there the same. Delirious pulls out his paper of the glintstone pebble and sees how to do it.

Wildcat: anything

Delirious: no hold on *reading* ah here it is

Vanoss: what

Delirious: hold the staff tightly, raise it up, and focus on a spell you are using

Vanoss: ok than, give it a shot

Delirious did what the instruction said, hold the staff tight, raise it up and focus on the the spell. As he did this a ding noise is heard and look to see the top of the staff is glowing. Delirious looks at one of the people and the staff shot a magic projectile at them. The magic projectile killed one of them as they fall to the ground dead. But not only that, when the person died a gold energy came out of him and went to delirious.

Wildcat: now that's cool

Vanoss: was that the runes that flew to you

Delirious: I think so

Wildcat: well the merchant did say to slay some enemies

Vanoss: well let's slay some more

The guy were about to slay the people there when they notice something to their left. Behind a bush and a tree is a door that they didn't see. They are curious about it but at the time doesn't look good. But they wanted to see where it goes to, so they to the door. Vanoss opens the door and they see a couple of stairs that goes down. They processed up again and can see the grace half way ahead. They touch the grace to activate it and they press on to see what they find. Looking around they see bones, torches, and glowing plants. They believe this some sort of catacombs, but what is it they would find here. They are now in a hallway where they see a chair ahead but also a pressure plate in front of them.

This could be trap of some sort so they go around it and move on to the room ahead. As they enter the room there is nothing here but rubbish, a single chair, and creepy looking statue of demon cats. They took the item that was there and what came next was shocking. The statue's they pass by came to life and pulls out their knives. They attack the guys but they managed to avoid them and kill them. They aren't sure how to kill them because they are made of stone's, but with every hit they gave them made them move away from them. Delirious use his magic on one of them and killed one that shattered onto pieces. They managed to kill them all that ambushed them and and they took a thought on what just happened.

Wildcat: great, living statues

Vanoss: guess they roam in this place

Delirious: it kinda makes sense

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