Index ll episode 21

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"Oh dear lord, there really are two of them." Index bemoans her luck, because why? She is a good person, maybe a bit gluttonous, but she's trying and she's never caused much trouble, why is she surrounded by idiots like this?

"I think you should rest. You sound like you're really hurting and its because you not only took a beating, but you are still moving around and pushing yourself harder than you should." Touma sighs, because he knows that it's important to save the kid, would do the same himself, but he would also have other people to call for help, unlike his brother.

"Tied to a bed. For the rest of your damn life, if you don't stop doing shit like this. Both of you." Heaven points at Touma too because the idiot will absolutely take it as permission if he's not included in some way. 

The light on it is green, meaning he's not using it for the moment, a smart thing. 'I don't even have four solid minutes of ability mode left on this thing.' He sounds annoyed and resigned, but he clearly has a way of telling, despite there being no clear signs whatsoever. He takes a moment to blink and just leaves his eyes closed, before looking ahead of him with a sigh, determination and will still strong in his eyes, even if he appears exhausted.

"How the fuck do you know how much time you have left? Do you keep track of it or does the Network let you know?" Mikoto is really curious, because keeping track of it seems like it would be difficult, but the Network can do it pretty easily, but this is Accelerator, who would not want to burden the Sisters, even to check his battery.

"Fucking hell, you need to rest and get a break, and enjoy yourself, relax a little." Touma mutters, already making plans to get his brother to enjoy himself, relax and get a break from all the shit he appears to be dragged into just as much as himself.

"You really do need to have a chance to relax, constantly having your guard up is making you tense and I don't think there was ever a time where your guard was not up, right?" Index already has a feeling, because of the little the albino has admitted of his past, that he was constantly being attacked, used or otherwise had his guard up to avoid being killed or used in a way he didn't want to be.

"Misaka wants you to get a break as well, declares Misaka Misaka, sad you never get a chance to relax unless in the apartment, which only lets you be a little relaxed." Last Order looks worried, hands clenched together in front of her, fiddling with her collar.

"You are pushing yourself too hard." Heaven says heavily, because he knows the boy won't stop, not until he's got the kid back, not that the man can blame him, he'd be doing the same.

"I typically just keep track of the damn time myself, but occasionally I will use the Network since it's faster and easier, as well as doesn't require my power, just depends. I try not to intrude on the girls all that often, those Sisters deserve to live without me butting in, so I leave them alone for the most part, though sometimes they like to talk with me." Accelerator responds bluntly, because he knows telepathy is a talent some have, this is less telepathy and more as if they are speaking to each other face to face, just not.

A small montage of him and Last Order together, clearly his attempt at cheering himself up and remembering why he's doing this, as he grabs the gun, the handle being used to lever himself up to a stand as the material creaks under his grip. 'I plan on using them well though.' He sounds tired, voice almost straining even in his thoughts, as he starts to leave the alley. 'Whatever else, I'm gonna save the kid.'

"I love your resolve and everything, but something tells me you aren't going to give a damn about yourself." Yomikawa grumbles, because this is her child, she refuses to just let him get away with not giving a damn for his own life, regardless of the fact that he didn't know that his life and the kid's were tied together.

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