Rain sighed, coming to his direction looking baffled. He opened the window and helped him to get inside. They stood in the middle of the room, Rain was crossing his arms looking anywhere but him.

"Rain..." He called his name and didn't know where to start. He didn't answer him, still tried to avoid eye contact.

"You have every right to be mad at me, I understand. I just want to explain things to you, if after that you decide to cut off any contact with me it's totally okay. Just please listen to me" He asked for his attention. After seeing Rain is thinking for too long, he reached for his hands and  pulled them away from crossing each other so he could hold on to them instead.

"I'll go straight to the point" Phayu sighed and held Rain's hands with a stronger grip.

"Today I told you about my family" He started slowly, seeing Rain now looking at him and paying attention got him a sign to continue.

"I want you to know that you are not the only one who didn't know about it, no one actually knows. I was born into this world, I never thought it was wrong or weird. But with time I realized that people were scared of me and didn't want to be friends with me out of fear of getting in trouble. If I got close to someone their parents would tell them to get away from me. As I got older I gained over time more friends, but it turned out they only wanted to be close to me just because I had connections and they wanted to use it to their advantage. That's why I decided in high school to open a new page, change my name and not to let anyone find out about it" Phayu tried to explain all of his emotions, he poured his heart out to him. He wanted Rain to feel how sincere he was.

"You changed your name? Phayu is not your real name?" Rain furrowed his eyebrows, he tried to pull his hands away from his grip but Phayu didn't let him.

"It's more like a nickname" Phayu said letting go of his hands, resting them at his waist instead pulling him closer.

"What is your real name?" Rain got curious, now he made eye contact and didn't look away this time. It made Phayu to be happy a little, it was cute that from all the things he said he wanted to focus on his name.

"My real name is Venice" He answered with a little smile, Rain was very surprised.

"Why Venice?" He asked confused, without noticing resting his hands on Phayu's arms.

"My dad's name is Vegas and my Uncle's name is Macau, my other dad Pete thought it would be cute to name me after their favorite place" He answered rolling his eyes, remembering the story his parents told him multiple times.

"And why is it their favorite place?" Rain kept on asking and being cute, he was making it hard for him to explain.

"It was the place my father Vegas proposed to him, also he told me a day after they were on a cruise and in the middle of talking about having a child a storm caught on to them" He said, resisting the urge to kiss the frown on his face and his pouting lips.

"That's why your name is Phayu!" Rain said enthusiastically, jumping in his arms because he managed to figure it out.

"After all I said to you, do you forgive me?" Phayu asked worried, tightening his grip in case Rain will push him away.

"I forgive you, but I still don't know what to do" Rain said almost whispering, it looks like he had a lot on his mind.

"I won't lie that I'm a little afraid, what if your parents wouldn't like me? What if we break up and they decide to take revenge on my family?" Rain was full of worries, but it made him laugh loudly. It earned him a hard slap on the chest.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" Rain was mad, he intended to get out of his grip and this time he decided to let him break free.

"My family is not like that, believe me. They would totally love you, even if they didn't they would never do these shitty things. You'll understand when you meet them" Phayu tried to assure him that everything is going to be fine, but after he finished the sentence Rain looked terrified.

"Meeting them? When? Why? I didn't agree yet to be your boyfriend!" He said in a high pitched voice, looking at him with wide eyes out of fear.

"You said you forgive me and I promise to prove to you that my family is not as bad as you think they are. What else is preventing you from becoming my boyfriend? You like me don't you?" Phayu was back in fear a little, he really hoped everything would go like he planned to.

"I don't know if my family would accept it" Rain said looking at the floor, it looked like he's on the verge of crying.

"Baby, look at me" Phayu placed his hands on each side of his face so he could look him in the eyes.

"Let's make them love me and trust me first, when the time comes we will tell them" He tried to suggest, honestly he can't think about anything else for now.

"I didn't like when you did it to me" Rain confessed, it made Phayu's heart skip a bit. He felt bad for doing this even more after hearing him say it.

"But I think you are right, I would have never let you be close to me if I knew it from the start" Rain said and that made Phayu to smile.

"Does it mean you are my boyfriend now?" He asked full of excitement, he can't believe it's finally happening.

"Yes P' Phayu" Rain said with his bunny smile, he couldn't resist it anymore. He held his face and got closer slowly, Rain was already closing his eyes waiting for their lips to meet and have their first kiss already. Just when his lips were about to reach Rain's plump ones, a knock on the door was heard.

"Rain, we're home! Can I come in?" They heard his father's voice from across the door. 

Love Language |PhayuRain, VegasPeteWhere stories live. Discover now