Chapter 1

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Phayu couldn't sleep. He got into bed at 11 pm, rolling from side to side endlessly and it seems that his head couldn't stop working. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened today, it was such a roller coaster of emotions.

He was courting Rain for the past three months, in this period of time his head was full of this man. What happened today wasn't because Rain didn't like him or didn't have any interest in him, the reason was that Rain has never been in love before. He never had someone and Phayu realized over time that Rain can't trust people easily. The fact Phayu was very popular didn't make him seem like the most serious guy, he heard a lot of rumors about himself dating so many people that he couldn't blame Rain for this impression.

That's why his way of courting wasn't the usual way of persuading someone. There are two reasons for it, the first is that he's not that kind of guy to be after someone all day long and be on his tail. When other people did that to him he found it very annoying, that's why he courted Rain the way he would like to be. He just made sure he remembered his schedule, bought him food and left it at his locker or table because of Rain's lack of time to eat. They were at the end of the semester and had a lot of deadlines. He would send him encouraging texts and only on weekends come to his house,  for taking him out to the movies or other places after convincing him for some time.

Today was finally the day Rain decided to accept him as his boyfriend. It was also the time to reveal the truth about his family . It's not like he lied, but he didn't tell anything about them either. He knew his family could get in his way, he would never let Phayu start courting him if he knew his family is from the mafia. Phayu also didn't want him to behave like everyone else did, they used to avoid him out of fear or befriended him just to use him. 

He decided that if he could get Rain to like him back he would immediately tell him, which didn't go so well. Rain was shocked, he felt betrayed that he didn't really know him for the past three months.

Despite all of that he wasn't going to give up so easily. Now he knows Rain likes him back, he has a reason to fight. He decided to get out of his bed, it was useless to keep trying to sleep. He needs to settle things down with his potential lover.

He put on a shirt and went out to the living room. He didn't need to sneak out today since his parents and his uncle Macau are out of town for a business trip. He took the keys of his motorcycle and headed to Rain's house.

When he reached his destination he was hesitant. He was sure Rain wasn't going to let him in easily, he would ignore his calls  and even make a big scene if he wanted. He didn't want to risk that option, because he got to know his parents and the last thing he wanted is to be on one of his father's radar. Rain has a lovely family, his father Type is very welcoming and nice. He only met him twice until now but each encounter was very warm. His dad Tharn on the other hand is different, he's very nice as well but he gave Phayu the dirty look when he understood he's after his son.

He decided to sneak in after noticing Tharn's white Mercedes wasn't parked at the entrance. Maybe the heavens will be on his side today and Type won't be here as well, he really prayed for that. He also prayed to stay in one piece since Rain's room is on the second floor, he has no other option but to climb. When he finally managed to reach Rain's window, he saw him playing video games.

"I can't sleep for hours because of him and he's playing video games" Phayu said to himself annoyed. Rain didn't look bothered at all.

He knocked twice, he was lucky Rain heard it because his hands got tired by now. He held tight onto the sill.

"Shit! What are you doing here?" Rain yelled with his left hand on his heart. It looked like he got a mini heart attack.

"Open it" He whispered back, his hands started to hurt.

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