Part 9 Argument.

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Author POV

"YOU??! " Jungkook exclaimed seeing an completely unexpected person.

"Hi.... Kook- I mean jungkook. How are you?" that person said.

"What the f**k are you doing here Huh? " Yoongi said with a savage and cold expression.

"I... I.. Came to meet you all. How are you?" That person again said.

"Do you want to get insulted again?? And if yes then I am ready.. " Yoongi said arguing.

"But... I.. " That person again said.

"Get lost IU!!! " Yoongi said yelling.

Yes it was IU.

"Hyung please... I want to talk to her." Jungkook said shocking everyone.

"What are you saying Huh?? " Yoongi said grabbing jungkook's collar.

"I wanna talk to her." Jungkook said confidently.

"Are you f***ing crazy jungkook? " Yoongi said raising his voice.

"Calm down yoongi, he just wants to talk. Let him." Jimin said separating yoongi from jungkook. Yoongi chuckled at jungkook sarcastically and then he clenched his jaw when he saw iu.

"Come IU.." jungkook said and was going towards his room but stopped when he heard yoongi's voice.

"Where are you going? Talk here if you want to." yoongi said with attitude.

"I will talk in my room or else I will not talk with you and mind it."

Jungkook also said with an attitude.

"Come in please." Jungkook said to IU. And iu got in following jungkook.


"What do you wanna talk about? Be quick." I said to her as I wanted this to end quickly.

"Jungkook... I... I am sorry. I'm really sorry for what I did to you. I don't want to cause you anymore trouble to you." IU said. And I just rose my eyebrow at her.

"Oh really. You felling guilty. That's new. IU I know you really well. I LOVED YOU but YOU cheated on ME with MY best friend ( yugeyeom). Don't you feel ashamed for like once. At lest consider my feelings." I spilled my feelings.

"I am guilty jungkook. I swear I'm not lying. And I am feeling ashamed, that's why I'm saying this to you." IU said.

"I don't trust you. Just for once leave me alone. Can't you just do that?? I love someone for God's sake. Let me love her. I want to. Just leave me alone. Just leave me alone." I don't know what's wrong with me, I was crying.. Yes, I was crying in front of her. That would be the last thing I would do.

"Jungkook.. " She came closer and cupped my cheeks.

"Looks at me jungkook. Look at me..." IU said and I did look at her but not the same way I used to before. Before I used to look at her with affection and love ,but now I just look at her with hate filled in my eyes.

" Please don't cry jungkook." She tried to came closer and kiss me.. She was just inches away from my face but I pushed her away from my face and she fell on the floor.

"Jungkook?? " IU said shocked but I was happy inside. She got up and looked at me with guilt in her eyes?

"What? Why are you looking at me? " I snapped at her.

"You don't understand jungkook. I'm sorry and I..... I still... Love you." IU said and I was shocked. I was so angry too. And that's when my walls of patience were broken. I didn't wanted to do this but I guess she did. A loud thud echoed in the room....

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