-Hyung, can you place the crown on Jisung's head?

-Me? Changbin asked confused.

-Yeah. Please!

Changbin took it in both hands and put it slowly on Jisung's head, the water dripping from the younger's bangs.

-Do you feel something, Jisung? Felix dared to ask even tho he was terrified of the answer.

-Besides freezing to death and the embarrassment of being shirtless in front of Minho hyung and Changbin hyung? Not really.

-You can take the crown, Minho hyung, Felix said disappointed. I'm sorry for wasting your time!

Felix went to the garden for some fresh air.

Because he was in Hyunjin's house, he needed help and Changbin was there to teach him the steps around the new home.

-Hey, Lix... he started while leading Felix outside. Earlier... When you made me put the crown on top of Jisung's head. What was supposed to happen?

-I don't know, he said defeated. To bring back memories. Flashes. To make you two cry or any kind of reaction. I thought recreating the coronation would have made it easier for you to recall those events.

-What if I felt something?

Felix's eyes widened in shock.

His hand climb along Changbin's wrist to his arm, so he could know where to look.

-What do you mean? Wha-What did you feel?

-Fear... I felt scared of the person in front of me.

-What's a king without a crown... That makes sense now, he plastered a sorrowful smile.

-What makes sense?

-Jisung without his crown becomes what he was meant to be. The man Minho fell for. Once the crown goes on his head, his bloodline takes over. Maybe it's for the best that the crown stays in a museum. Before Seungmin gets to see it.

-Hyung, I know I am supposed to be mad at you, but you're starting to scare me. Please let me know if you're alright! Jeongin begged at the phone.

-Are you alright? Seungmin asked, seeing the younger almost crying.

-I was supposed to meet Chan hyung last night. I stayed in front of his house for an hour. He hasn't been replying to my texts or returning calls. I am starting to get worried. He isn't the kind to ghost someone.

-Hey, calm down! I'm sure there is an explanation for this, Seungmin placed his hands on Jeongin's tensed shoulders.

-There are only two options and I don't know which one I prefer. He either wants to break up with me or something happened to him. Something bad.

Seungmin locked his arms around Jeongin, engulfing the boy in a hug.

-I know how scared you are. Fear eats us alive. But I promise you, everything will be fine.

Jeongin sniffled in Seungmin's shirt, his hands gripping tighter on the material.

-How do you like the beef?

-I love it, hyung! Jisung chuckled. You are such a good cook. It's such a lovely dinner, but don't get me wrong... What's the occasion? he asked worried.

-Do I need an occasion to spoil my boyfriend? Minho smiled.

-Minho, Jisung's tone became serious. Seriously. You're clingier than usual. Is there something wrong? You can tell me.

Minho's smile dropped to the floor as he avoided Jisung's gaze.

The younger sat down on Minho's leg and started playing with his hair.

-I and Hyunjin have been talking about the business. We decided to keep the deal with the Bang factory.

-Wait... How are you gonna rebuild the house then? With what money?

-That's the thing. I have to work for my grandma. In another city.

-For how long?

-The whole summer at least. Until I go back to university.

-That means you will come back when I go to University. We won't be able to see each other, Jisung said feeling tears building up in his eyes.

-Yeah... That's exactly why I've been preparing myself to tell you for the last two days. My grandma is coming tomorrow to take me. I'm really sorry, Jisung! I love you so much and now I have to end it, his voice broke.

-I love you too, hyung! Jisung made circular moves with his thumb on Minho's lips.

-Don't tease me, Minho jiggled. I wanna kiss you until I die, he sneaked his hand on Jisung's cheek and connected their lips together.

They were both crying, their hearts were breaking inside their chests and not even the warmest kiss could make up for the pain tearing their souls and bodies apart.

Apart from each other once again...

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