Chapter 13: Differences

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Having seen the Goddess of Fire had not been slain was a blessing to many. Seeing what she turned into was just as much of a curse, however. Everyone had heard of The Reaper and what they did on the mainland. I was no longer a symbol of peacekeeping, order, and power. I was now a symbol of ruthlessness and violence. Many didn't know what to think, but given time they would understand.

"It has been many years since I've seen and felt that kind of power Diane, but it's still as daunting as before," Zulu says as he observes me.

"It's been a while since I've got this excited over a battle. Not to mention fighting you. I'm impressed." I admit. Zulu's students and Lydia make their approach, the citizens watch on from a distance.

"Why have you returned?" Zulu asks, not angrily, more curiously.

"There is a threat Zulu, one that grows stronger every day. I brought Lydia here to train, and maybe even live more safely here for a time." Zulu's face grows worrisome, and I can tell his thoughts before he speaks them.

"Surely you don't believe such a threat could beat even you." When I do not answer immediately, his face is pained and scared.

"I wouldn't return if my worries were not justified. They are close, very close to growing and overpowering me. One day, I may not be enough on my own to handle things." We talk more quietly as the other mages approach, we cannot let them know of such things yet, lest fear begin to fester.

"You think that girl, maybe a few others here could be of use?" I look to Lydia, who flies and lands on the ground nearby and continues approaching on foot.

"It is the only option we have." Zulu simply nods in understanding. When his pupils and Lydia approach, he turns his attention to them.

"From today on. Lady Lydia and Diane will be able to enter and exit the city at will," there are obvious disagreements present, "they will also be training us for the future." To that, there is even more of a negative reaction. Sure I was strong, but that didn't mean they wanted to take orders from me. After a failed attempt at denial, Zulu orders everyone back into the city and pulls the students and myself aside.

"Diane, care to explain more?" Zulu asks, and I nod in agreement.

"From there on I explained in vague yet reasonable detail the threat of Maxus and why I would be training them," I told the interviewer.

"I don't imagine they took kindly to it." He snorts.

"No, they didn't, which is where I came in." Lydia chimes in with a smile.

"Lydia would lead the training. I also considered playing the teaching role would help her learn and remember things on her own." I state.

"And how did that go?"

"Well, they struggled for a while much like I did. They eventually got a hold of things and to be fair I did grow a bit from it as well." Lydia begins kicking her feet again like a child.

"And what did you do Diane?"

"I overlooked the training and tried not to make a fuss in the city." I slump into the couch, probably the most annoying time of my life aside from this.

"Although she did have a bit of help at some point." Lydia laughs.

"Please don't remind me." I place the face of my mask in the palm of my hand. The interviewer looks confused, forcing me to elaborate.

After a very slow first training session with the other mages, the group dispersed in the evening to rest for the night. I walked through the streets instead of flying, remembering when villages weren't half this size. How the times had changed. Of course, people were avoiding me fearfully, but they did see me beat down all eight of their defenders ruthlessly yesterday. I can feel their fear, it is rich, sweet against my own magic. Yet there are a few people who seem mystified, or curious, they haven't seen anything like me before or in years.

Torva MessorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon