The Bloody Familia

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Bell is seemingly in a dark place with no light, like an abyss. Soon blood came out of nowhere and took the form of a human as it drew itself closed and closer to the rabbit

The young hunter was frozen in place and couldn't move no matter how hard he tries, Everything felt so slow yet so fast at the same time, The only noise he can hear are his loud heart beats that's making his body shook and the dripping droplets from the bloody figure

It then got closer and closer and closer and closer And CLOSER as it grabs the hunter's cheeks and it's head was getting closer to Bell's


???:"WAKE UP!"A feminine voice yelled at him as he woke, Face covered in sweat. He then got a good look at the one who woke him up from his nightmare

It was the Goddess, Hestia she is just a new god that came down from the upper world as she looks pretty angry at him

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It was the Goddess, Hestia she is just a new god that came down from the upper world as she looks pretty angry at him

Hestia:"What are you doing here?"She asked rather irritated

Bell:"Please forgive me, I was just walking and then I saw this church. It was abandoned so I thought that no one was here and then I fell asleep without knowing!"He explained while panicking, No matter how much Yharnam has changed him, His grandfather always told him to respect girls.

Hestia:"It's fine, Just don't do it again alright?"

Bell:"Alright"He then stands up and fixes himself

The rabbit looks at the sky and saw that the moon disappeared and the sun has arrived as he smiles

Hestia:"Say, Do you have a familia, Boy?"She asked

Bell:"Um no actually I don't belong to any familia"He said as the goddess smiles

Hestia:"Well then do you wanna join mine?"She asked as the boy began to think

Bell:"Sure"He answered as the Goddess' smile became wider

Hestia:"Great! Finally someone joins my familia! First let's go to my home so I can give you a falna"She said as Bell nodded

The Goddess lead Bell beneath the Church and saw that it was turned into a home

Hestia:"I'm sorry it's not nice"She apologized

Bell:"No no! It's fine really! I don't mind it" 'This isn't the worse place I've slept before' He thought to himself and assured his Goddess and he wasn't lying.

𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝕮𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖑:𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝕽𝖆𝖇𝖇𝖎𝖙Where stories live. Discover now