"Hello." You answered back trying to hide the nervousness in your voice.

The attempt resulted in failure. "There's no need to be afraid, Miss. I just have a few questions for you and then I'll be on my way, I assure you."

"Alright." You said and frowned

The man reached in and pulled a few pictures from his inside coat pocket. "Have you seen these two men recently?"

You leaned in to get a better look at the pictures. The first was of a man with red hair and sunglasses. He wore a distinct blue orca hat and had a devious look on his face. The second picture showed a smiling man as well, but this one wore a trapper cap with a yellow brim and the word 'Penguin' spelled out across it. His eyes and hair were covered by the hat and he wore an equally unsettling smirk.

"No, I haven't." You shook your head. You'd definitely remember seeing creeps like these.

"I see. That's rather unfortunate." The man said. If he was disappointed, you really couldn't tell. The tone of his voice never seemed to change with emotion. He put the photos back in his pocket and pulled out another. "In that case, do you have any information regarding this child?"

You took another look. The boy in the picture looked very young, maybe only about eleven years old or so, and had a shock of raven hair and a wide grin on his face. His eyes were closed, but you already knew their color. Your own eyes widened at the sight and you snatched the picture from the man's hands, forgetting the weird atmosphere he put off in your own awe.

"I know this boy! We used to play together when I was little; he was one of the few friends I remember from back then!" You exclaimed, absolutely shocked. You waved the picture at the man and frowned. "Is he okay?! Do you know where he is?!"

"I was hoping you could tell me." The man said and his lips curled into an ever so slight frown. "That boy was kidnapped from our family nineteen years ago. This picture was taken a year after he was kidnapped and he vanished without a trace immediately after. Obviously he would be a grown man now, but we have no recent pictures of him to go by. Still, the head of the family would very much like to find him, so if you know anything then I would be glad to hear it."

Your brows knit together in misery and you handed the picture back. "No I'm sorry, I have no idea. I only knew him for a few months before he disappeared again. He was an awfully grumpy boy, but he seemed so lonely. It made me so sad to watch him like that so I ended up latching on to him. When he left, he looked heartbroken. I never saw him again."

A deep grumble escaped the man's lips and he took the photo back gingerly. "I see. If that's the case then there's nothing more that can be done here. I assure you, we'll keep looking for him. Sorry for the trouble and thank you for your time, Miss."

"No trouble. Have a nice day." You forced a smile and waved as he left. He was definitely a weird guy, especially with that popsicle stick, but in the end he'd proven not to be so bad.

The picture of the boy lingered on your mind though as you went back to decorating. You hadn't thought of him for years, not since you'd gone to live with Grandad. The last time you'd seen him, he wouldn't even say goodbye to you. It was like he'd suddenly started hating you, but you knew better. He didn't want you to see how sad he was to leave. He kept pulling your dad's hat down over his eyes and chewed his bottom lip to hide his crying. It was a heartbreaking sight that you'd never forget.

'I hope he grew up to be happy.' You thought and continued to hang up the ghosts.


"I'm home, little love." Law called as he walked through the door. The smell of grilled salmon greeted him and as soon as he entered the kitchen, so did your smiling face. He leaned down and dropped a kiss on the top of your head. "I see you did some decorating today."

All Roads Lead to You (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now