Silence and Motion

Start from the beginning

'It's just some spiders, (Y/n). Grandad would laugh at us if he found out spiders chased his 28 year old grandbaby out of a room!' You thought, giving the spiders you imagined watching a pout. You wiggled a little and tensed before boldly marching down the stairs.

The halloween boxes were lined up against the wall, kept nice and neat separately from the christmas decorations. You grabbed a box and made your way back upstairs, setting it down quickly before going for another before you lost your nerves. You managed to get three boxes up just fine before it happened. Just as you reached for the fourth and final box, a spider dropped down from the ceiling and landed on top of it. The shrill scream that rang out of you was loud enough to shatter glass. You immediately flinched back still screaming bloody murder, scrambling back up the stairs and slamming the door behind you before slumping down against it in defeat. Done in by a harmless little spider. Humiliating.

"I don't care! I'm not going back down there!" You said defiantly to no one in particular. You hoped the neighbors didn't hear your scream of shame. You didn't want to explain to the police that your cause of terror was not a murderer, but in fact a tiny little arachnid.

You were still trembling as you stood and picked up the three boxes you'd successfully retrieved, bringing each one out to the porch. You'd have Law go get the last one later when he got home. He wasn't deathly terrified of spiders.

Halloween was definitely one of your favorite holidays, especially since it gave you so much artistic freedom. Every year you seemed to pick up more decorations and they were added to one of the already existing boxes before finally a new one was needed. This year, you'd picked up a silly looking skeleton with an afro from the local shop in town. It was love at first sight and you couldn't stop thinking about him until you convinced Law to let you purchase him. After much begging and pleading, he finally said okay. Having you pester him about it for over twenty minutes was the only way he could tell it wasn't an impulsive purchase and you brought your new friend home to sit on the porch and greet the trick or treaters.

Satisfied with his placement, you opened the first box and got to work. Fake cobwebs went up all along the porch railings and you wrapped some police tape around the stair railings that you'd gotten from Grandad before he retired from the force. You decided you'd make a little graveyard this year and grabbed the tombstones from the next box to set up; careful to prop them up with bricks behind before covering them with stray leaves and more fake cobwebs. You were glad you'd just mowed the lawn recently. By the time Halloween rolled around, the grass would be wild again and make the graveyard look more authentic.

Going back for some spooky ghosts to hang from the trees, you only managed to get five hung up before you noticed a strange looking man watching you from across the street. Something about him made you uneasy, but you didn't exactly want to be rude plus nothing ever happened around here. It was the entire reason you loved the house's location so much; it was a crime free zone. You paused and gave him a brief wave before going back to your work. That should be fine enough to not come across as rude, but also make clear you were busy.

Wrong. Very wrong. The man suddenly crossed the street at a leisurely pace, making a direct path towards you. Your stomach did a little flip and you forced yourself to stay calm. It was just a normal guy and he was unarmed and it was bright daylight outside. Your neighbors were nosey; if he tried anything, he would not get very far before someone said something.

"Good afternoon, Miss." The man said.

His voice was deep and stern and lacked emotion. He had a strange looking beard in a zigzag pattern and wore a pair of sunglasses that obscured the emotion hidden in his eyes. Was that...a popsicle stick stuck to the side of his face? You weren't about to ask, something about this guy felt off.

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