Elena was sitting on the couch feeding Stefanie she was getting a weird sense of Deja vu. The door opened and Damon walked in followed by Krystal. She looked over to them confused not sure who the girl was or why he was bringing her here.  "Hey who is this?"

"This is Krystal." Damon knew he would have to make sure that Elena didn't expect anything was going on,

"Why is she here?" Elena didn't get who she was or why she was in their house.

"She is one of the new managers i hired for the grill." Since he had taken up owner ship of it he had been trying to change it for the better.

Krystal moved closer to Elena smiling at Stefanie who she was holding. "Ooh is this your daughter you were telling me about is she like you or is she human."

Lie to her don't tell her what Stefanie is. She can't know her weaknesses.

She didn't know what the voice was from but she had the strange sensation that she should be following it."Doppelgangers can't have vampire kids. They have to be born human for the line to continue."

Don't trust her she's evil

Again she was unsure of what the voice was but she had the strange feeling it was trying to help her. "Can i hold her?"

Tell her no make something else don't let her near Stefanie.

"I have to go put her down i'll be back." She got up going to lay down Stefanie not sure what the voice was but all she knew was it was strangely familiar.
Caroline was on the phone with Klaus he had been trying to get her to come to New Orleans but she hadn't been positive about it. "Why don't you come to New Orleans? Let me show you the town."

She didn't want to go alone she hoped that she could somehow convince Elena to go with her. But even she knew that was a long shot since Stefanie wasn't more than a few weeks old. "I am not coming alone maybe i can get Elena to go with me. I was thinking of doing a girls trip for us she needs some time away from Stefanie."

Elena walked out of the room and headed down to  the living room noticing Krystal was no longer there. Damon who was standing by the drink cart looked over to her. "What was that about?"

"What are you talking about?" She didn't get what he meant by that this was her daughter and she had simply had to put her to sleep.

"You lied to her." Damon didn't understand why Elena had had to lie to Krystal, especially when it came down to Stefanie. "Stefanie is not Human."

Elena rolled her eyes she didn't think she did anything wrong. And so what if she didn't want everyone to know that her daughter was part vampire there was nothing wrong with that. "She was asking to many questions so i pick and choose what i wanted to say and what i didn't want her to know."

"She was just trying to get to know you." More like trying to befriend her but what Elena didn't know wouldn't hurt them. 

"Stop." Elena didn't want to hear it Stefanie was her daughter and she would decide the decisions when they involved her. 

"Elena she just is trying to be friends with you."

Don't listen to him he's trying to talk you down don't let him hold your ground.

"I don't care i don't want to be friends with her. I don't like the way that she kept looking at me." She didn't like her and there was no more to it. 

"You're being over dramatic."

"I don't care." She didn't care if she was dramatic she was just going to be a drama queen then.

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