"A year later i was born and you were mostly in New Orleans with dad but you and Damon were constantly arguing over Stefanie. You were pregnant with Jenna but Damon didn't know that."

"I'm going to drive up there to get her."

"She is fine where she is?"

"She is not fine she needs her mother more than her father."

"Didn't you just have another daughter shouldn't you be focusing on her."

"I do."

"She's fine Elena you do not have to come all the way up here."

"Ugh." She threw her phone to the ground wiping her eyes she couldn't stand him.

"You ok?"

She turned to see Rebekah standing by the door. "Not now Rebekah."

"I just thought since both of us are pregnant that we should bond."

"Not everyone knows that i am pregnant again Rebekah."

"I know but my brother loves you and i think that its time we put aside our differences. No matter how much i didn't like you all of that can change."

"Gee thanks."

"I mean it i see how my brother looks at you and i know that he loves you."

"Good because i love him."

"So just us two bonding."

"Fine but afterwords i have to go get Stefanie."

"Why don't we road trip?"

"Why not?"
"Damon had been refusing to let you see Stefanie but only Bonnie and Caroline knew that the others didnt. They didn't hear the things that he would say to you or. When he refused to not let you see her they didn't know. You had never wanted to keep her from him but you knew that he kept keeping her longer and longer and you were scared that one of those times you weren't going to get her back and that was what you were worried about. "

Elena walked into the boarding house Rebekah had went to the grill. To order the two of them food. Damon came down the stairs holding Stefanie. "Give me my daughter?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I came for my baby you can not keep her from me."


"NO i don't want to hear it. I let you see her when i don't have to and what do you do. Try to keep her from me."

"You started a new family."

"She is still my daughter and you can not take her from me. Next time you think you can take her from me you won't ever see her again. You cheated on me remember i was supposed to be your fiance but that did not matter to you. I moved on i am happy you will not ruin that and you will not take my baby from me."

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