News... Good?

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It's the next morning, I didn't get any sleep.
The minute I looked at the time (7 am) I ran out of the house.
JC hopped in for the ride.
"Let's go," I said as I drove away.
I don't know quite why I said it out loud if it didn't apply to JC.
"I need to see her," I said.
JC patted my back as I drove.
"I know dude. I understand," he said. I nodded as I speeded towards the hospital.

When we finally got there I ran inside and over to the front desk.
Out of breath and tired, I said "Chloe. I'm here for Chloe. My name is Connor Franta."
The lady nodded and typed something into her computer.
"Room 21" she said. I nodded and asked another question "which way?"
She pointed left.
I nodded and ran down the hall to look for the room.
When I finally got to it I barged in to find Chloe on her phone.
"Chloe!" I said. I ran over and hugged her, she hugged back.
"Connor hi!" She sounded so excited.
"Why didn't you call me?" I asked.
"Because I knew I was going to see you today," she had a point.
"I'm so glad you're okay!" I said and kissed her on the mouth. She gasped and then just kissed back.
It was magical and beautiful. I couldn't explain it. It was amazing and great. It was a dream that I couldn't believe was happening.
"Connor Franta?" The doctor walked in the room, forcing me to pull away.
I turned quickly and looked at him.
"Thats me," I said.
"Yes. I have Chloe's report," he said.
"Oh god," I said. Chloe held my hand as we waited for the doctor to tell us.
"She only has a concussion. Don't worry, its not that bad," he said. I nodded.
"Thank you so much," I said and then hugged Chloe.
The thought of losing her was too painful.
Chloe was so happy to know she could leave soon.
"Can she leave now?" I asked.
"Yes she can. Please take precaution. Wear sunglasses outside and if you get any headaches just relax. You should be fine after a week," he said.
"Thank you so much!" I said.
I helped Chloe get out of the hospital bed and walk over to the bathroom. At first, she seemed really dizzy. She almost fell over a few times but I caught her.
She was so cute, even in that dumb hospital dress. The way she made her way to the bathroom was adorable.

We left the hospital. I knew Chloe was happy. No one likes being trapped in a hospital room with IV in their arms and doctors constantly walking in, examining you.
Chloe's POV
You wouldn't even believe how happy I was to get out of that hospital. I mean, the bed was hard and springy and the nurses basically stalked me.
"Now that you're out of the hospital, what do you want to do?" Connor asked. That seemed like a very difficult question to answer... not.
"Starbucks!!" I exclaimed. He giggled.
"Okay" he agreed, who wouldn't?

The minute we got to Starbucks I jumped out of the car, slightly getting dizzy.
Connor ran over and put his arm around my waist to make sure I didn't fall.
"Thanks babe" I said. He winked at me, making me blush.
We walked into Starbucks and Connor helped me get to the front counter even though I was fully capable of doing it myself.
"Hello and welcome to Starbucks. How may I help you?" The nice cashier asked.
"Um... I will have the grande S'mores frap," I responded.
She nodded.
"Name?" She asked.
"Chloe," I responded.
Connor ordered the same thing as me, which was funny.

We made our way to a table after getting our drinks and started chatting about YouTubers.

Feeling Frantastic (Connor Franta Franfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora