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Chloe's POV
Well, we gave in. We wound up sleeping at the o2l house.

I sat on the couch next to Connor and Alex.

"Movie time!" Kian said, putting a disk in the DVD player.

"Yay!" Alex yelled from excitement. I tapped her shoulder.

"Oh my god its like a hot guy parade!" I whispered, hoping they couldn't hear.

"OMG i know right!" She whispered back and that was followed by a very weird squeal of happiness from her.
I looked at Connor and leaned back.

"So, why did you want us to sleepover?" I asked him.

"Um... because.... your dorm burned down...." he said, but he seemed like he was getting nervous.

"Oh come on! We know its more then that!" Ricky said. Connor kicked him.

"Ow!" Ricky yelped. He was sitting by Connor's feet in a blue bean bag chair.
Kian laughed, made a peculiar face (crab face as he called it) and sat down next to Alex. Alex squeezed my hand and then let go.
I looked at her, smiled and winked. I knew she had such a huge crush on Kian so this was a huge deal for her.

About halfway into the movie I looked over at Alex and Kian. They were making out, like they have been for 10 minutes.
I thought Kian had a girlfriend. Whatever.
Shelby was sitting next to Ricky, they're dating. And next it was the only two single people in the room; me and Connor. The awkward level was through the roof.
I looked at Connor, he was so adorable and focused on the movie.
But he put his arm around me, so I guess he could sense how awkward it is.
He looked at me and within a few seconds we were slowly leaning in for a kiss. Once our lips connected it was like static electricity. Fireworks appeared in the back of my mind, my lips started to tingle. It was so amazing. Connor put one hand on the back of my neck and I put both of my hands on the back of his head, feeling his soft buzz cut hair on the back of his head.
I pulled away first and just laid down on Connors chest. We fell asleep, cuddling.

We woke up the next morning with yelling from upstairs.

"Uh... Connor what is that?" I asked, getting off him.

"To be completely honest, I have no freaking clue," he responded which gave me the chills.

"Should we go check?" Ricky was awake but I didn't know so I was a little startled by his input.

"Yes," Connor said and with that he was standing up. I ran after him and hugged him from behind as we walked. I let go and started walking next to him. That's when I realized, Kian wasn't laying near us... and neither was Alex.

I ran ahead of Connor, hearing him and Ricky warning me to slow down. But I just couldn't. My best friend and her "boyfriend" were missing and there were horrible yells from a female coming from behind a door. I opened it, without warning, to find a lady yelling at Kian, who was cuddling a terrified Alex.

"Oh my god! What the hell is going on here?" I yelled, getting the attention from everyone in the room. Connor and Ricky ran in a few seconds later and almost seemed scared by the bewildered scene. 

"Kian is cheating on me with this thing!" The lady screamed, point to Alex who got up and ran over to me. She immediately jumped into my arms, and we just hugged while the other four of them talked it out.

"Andrea, listen to me, if you don't get out of our house right now I'm going to call the cops," Connor said calmly. I could feel the horrible tension in this room.

"Shut up Connor!" She said, Connor's face turned from calm to pur anger.

"Don't you dare talk to him like that!" I yelled, now she got me angry and everyone who knows me, knows that you should never get me angry. 

I let go of Alex and started walking towards the "Andrea" chic. I clenched my fists, I wasn't afraid to beat the crap out of this drama queen. I mean, I knew I was being a drama queen but at least I know when enough is enough.

"No Chloe. It's not worth it," Connor stopped me from getting closer to her by jumping in between us.

"Connor if you don't move I mean it I will-" I started but he cut me off by kissing me. Ricky walked in front of us, turning Andrea's attention towards himself. 

"Andrea please don't make us do something we don't want to do," Ricky said, almost like he was begging. 

"Fine, Kian I hope your hair falls out!" She turned to look at Kian, he faked gasped and then laughed as she walked out. Connor stopped kissing me and we all walked downstairs. 

"It's never going to," Kian said, admiring his hair in his reflection in the window. We all smiled and waved as she pulled off. 

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