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My heart started racing.
"You heard that right?" I asked Connor, my face turned white. Connor sat there, eyes wide. He stood up and started walking, I followed. He checked the first room, JC was in there. He looked pretty terrified.
He stood up and slowly walked to us. We heard the crashing sound again and a scream.
I hugged Connor from fright, he hugged back.
I let go and walked behind him, JC walked next to me. We were so scared to see what had happened.
We all walked upstairs together to the room where the scream came from.
There were still yells of anger coming from behind the door.
"You have to be kidding me! Thats your excuse for everything!" It was a woman.
Connor barged in to find a girl standing there yelling at Kian.
"Andrea! What the hell!?" Connor yelled at the lady.
"Stay out of this!" She yelled at him. He walked in front of her, separating Kian and Andrea.
"No! What the hell is going on?" Thats when I noticed the computer smashed in the corner. Andrea had a bat in her hand. I felt someone touch my arm and turned my head a little to see JC.
"It's okay. Connor will handle this," he whispered in my ear. Thats when Kian noticed us. His eyes seemed to widen a little and he winked at me. I winked back just I get his mind off this insane girl.
"Are you okay?" I ran over to him. I didn't care if she beat me for getting that close, but I hugged him anyway.
"I'm fine. She hit me in the side with the bat, but it didn't hurt that bad," he whispered in my ear.
"Chloe watch out!" Connor yelled as he dodged the heavy swing of the bat. Kian quickly switched me onto his other side by rolling me over him. Kian didn't get hit though, he also blocked it.
"Yo! Andrea!" Connor yelled.
I saw JC slowly creeping up behind her until he reached for the bat and took it out of her hand.
Connor picked her up with one arm and carried her outside, then closed the door on her.
Connor ran back upstairs and ran over to me. Kian let go of me.
"Are you okay? she didn't hurt you right?" Connor seemed so concerned. I smiled.
"I'm fine."

Feeling Frantastic (Connor Franta Franfiction)Where stories live. Discover now