“Eilis!” I shouted, startled by his outburst. He turned from the table and ran to his room, the bedroom door slamming so hard it rattled through the apartment. Lois and Clark said nothing as I sat back down and continued to eat. 

“Maybe I should talk to him,” Clark broke the silence. 

“(Y/N) is this really what you want?” Lois grasped my hand and leaned forward. 

“It’s for the best,” smiling at her I drew my hand back and looked away to blink the tears from my eyes. They grew cold on my lashes. 

“Is this because of Bruce?” Clark frowned, narrowing his eyes at me. 

Glancing at Lois, I hesitated before saying, “partially, but also because of Batman, Joker, Vandal. The city itself. Eilis shouldn’t grow up there, not when I can give him something better.” 

“By coming back to the city that knows him as a crime boss’s son? To a place where he has no friends?” Lois gripped my hand again, this time holding firm. “Whatever Bruce did I’m sure you can work through it,” she glanced at Clark before staring deep into my eyes, “from what Clark has told me, Bruce loves you!” 

“It doesn’t matter.” 

“Yet you’re crying.” Lois continued to cling to my hand. 

“Love isn’t enough,” I whispered. 

“I know Bruce is Batman,” Lois finally let go. “I understand how confused you are, I was the same when I found out the truth about Clark. How unsure. Your relationship with both of them is real (Y/N), don’t give that up.” 

“But Bruce-”

“Is an idiot. An idiot that needs you (Y/N). He’s scared, show him that it’s okay.” Lois stood from the table, leaving Clark and me. 

“She’s right, you know,” he sighed. 

“Yeah, I know.” I let out a trembling breath. “But what if his fear doesn't soften?” 

“Bruce is the bravest man I know, he has more courage than most.” Clark rounded the table so he could grab my hand and pull me up. “A man can’t be brave unless he is afraid. Now, go talk to Eilis.” Clark shooed me along before he began to clean the table. Wiping my eyes I headed for Eilis’s room. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. 

“Baby come on, please let me in.” The handle clicked, and then Eilis’s head peeked out. 

“Why should we? You already made all the decisions.” 

“Because I want you to help me make the right one.” Eilis pulled the door open enough to let me in, then he shut it again as I went to sit on his bed. 

“It wasn’t easy, you know, deciding to stay in Metropolis.”

“Then why? And don’t say it’s because the city is dangerous, or gross, or anything. We both know that didn’t matter before.” He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. 

“It didn’t matter because I was hellbent on finding my mother’s killer. I swore to protect you, but instead, I brought you to a city known for its dangers.” 

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