I pinky promise

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Nothing had been said about there being extensive video proof from every angle of her death. They all knew the media certainly had some of it. It was the main reason why he and the rest of them had been actively avoiding any and all TV's to avoid every channel reporting about the heroic fallen Avenger. Buck had a hard time being in the room with her, so he knew he wouldn't be able to hear the play by play by strangers who didn't know anything about the real person Katherine Blake had been while playing what they could of her final moments allowed on TV. A sick churning in his stomach had Bucky staggering back until the wall behind him held him up. He didn't know if he could stand to watch what FRIDAY had gathered. Breaking the silence and pulling him from his whirling thoughts, Clint came over to try and defuse the tension between the men, but Tony shrugged him off. "Stark, this isn't helping. They're in pain-"

"We're all in pain! They aren't the only ones who lost Kat. We all did, dammit. She was one of us!" He cut Clint off, roughly shoving his hand off his arm when the other man tried to get him to step away. Things were getting heated but no one knew what to do.

He was right though. They were all grieving her loss and while Mathew was her brother, it didn't mean that no one else hadn't cared for her. But he didn't have a monopoly on his sadness and anger. Bucky felt for him of course. There was no doubt that Matt as her twin made it so that their bond and his love for her ran deeper than the regular sibling relationship. As a brother himself Bucky had loved his sister Rebecca more than anything and would have killed anyone who put her in harm's way. So he understood his point of view, it just didn't apply here.

Rounding on Loki, Tony poked his chest hard with his index finger. Other than a briefly incensed expression that flit across his face the Asgardian didn't react. "Because you've known her for less than two weeks and because today she decided to give you the time of day you think you know her. That you have some kind of claim on her?" Jabbing his finger again into his chest and then pointed at Matthew, Tony continued on digging in the knife a little deeper. "You, who put her brother in this chair. You, who were directly at fault for his injury and near death, want to go after Steve? If it wasn't for her then him, three agents and countless others would be in the morgue." His voice caught in his throat betraying his emotional turmoil when he spoke to Mathew. "We're all wrecked that she's gone. I know she was your sister, but she was also my friend. If you want to be mad at anyone I was her sponsor be mad at me."

It was true that he'd taken on her mentorship when Katherine first joined. He was the one who convinced her to stay and give the team a chance. To find a place in this world where she gained a clear purpose with her life. Telling Kat that she'd been given her powers not as a curse but as a gift. And it wasn't just her. Tony had all but adopted Kat and Mathew from the moment he met with the Blake siblings. Personally wiping out Matt's extensive medical debt, helping to improve his homelife along with his continued medical needs. Setting him up with his own low level security clearance to access the Tower any time, day or night to visit. All because Tony knew how close the twins were. He knew that until she moved into the Tower they had never lived apart and didn't want to make it seem like just because Kat was here that Matt wasn't welcome whenever he wanted to see her.

Staring up at him Mathew swallowed roughly knowing all of this. Shooting his gaze over this way he clenched and released his jaw as he shifted around Clint and Thor who'd also come over to keep the peace. Driving straight up to them Matt stopped right in front of Steve and held out his hand and after a second of hesitation he took it. Using his hold on him, Matt pulled Steve down to his level knowing full well that he was more than strong enough to not budge an inch if he didn't want to be moved. Yanking him down further he wrapped Steve in a crushing hug that released a torrent of emotion from both men. Speaking softly, Mathew apologized as he kept a firm grip on Steve's arm.

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