Chapter 8

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TW: Abuse and racism

Sokka's POV:

The moon rays emanated Zuko's angelic face. He looked so peaceful. He deserved all the sleep. On the other hand, I deserved none. In fact, never in my whole 17 years did I have a sleepless night. My eyes didn't close for more than a second! Like I suddenly had insomnia overnight!

Sleep was the least of my concerns. I was in the brink of an emotional or mental breakdown! I was a wreck. My morals clashed with my unforgiving actions! How could I forgive myself? The guilt I felt was unspeakable. Lack of sleep was the least I deserved.

Hopefully I didn't bruise beautiful face. I found it hard to tell with the lighting and his scar...

His other injuries brought a whole slot of differing emotions. The bruises and gashes were grave. Zuko tried convincing me these were normal? Minuscule?! Oh, tui la, how could one be so cruel? How could he be brainwashed to consider this normal? The thought made my stomach churn.

I would never, and I mean never, allow anyone to lay a finger on him! Not as long as I was here! Not the freakin instructor nor the fire fart. As hell would I ever do such an act again. I had to make sure. I had to do something.

My emotions were on high. I got the courage to confront the Firelord. I stormed my way towards his chambers. The journey was not smooth sailing. The night was still young and I barely knew my way around the castle. There were barely any workers out and about, but the ones that were present cowered from my presence. They gave far too many terrified glances. Maybe it was my intimidating aura. Maybe it was racism. I believe it was the latter. On their break they most likely gossiped about the savage.

After minutes of searching far and wide, I found the chambers which screamed–I was the firelord and you are beneath me, kind of vibe. Did it phase me? Not one bit. Not even the guards unsettled my determination. I purposefully ignored any rationality, and barged in.

I barely made my way in. I was surprised I managed to get past the guards but my confidence was quickly subdued when they tackled the savage. You would have thought that these guards were dragging a piece of insignificant trash, rather than their prince. Well... I did marry into royalty, but I was royalty nonetheless.

Before I could be escorted out, the old fart heard the commotion. The closer I inspected; his bed housed two figures. One figure was my dear old father-in-law, and the other was dainty and covered in bruises. The bastard was sick in the brain. I wanted to go feral when I smelt the sex pheromones. I resisted the urge to rip his throat!

"What gives you the right to come here unannounced," he bellowed.

"What gives you the right to hurt Zuko!" I seethed.

I danced on thin ice, but I couldn't find it in me to care. The asshole had enough people willfully bowing to his will.

He started to cackling maniacally. He didn't sound deranged, but at the same time he did. What had he found funny? What was funny about this whole interaction. I expected him to be yell, not laugh.

"The savage like his pet chaste and unmarred," he chuckled.

Rage. My gaze burned through his nonexistent soul. The revulsion I felt was incomparable.


Dear old father-in-law did not let my act up slide. His mocking face became pure flaming fury! He rose from his bedding and stomped towards me, NUDE! You heard the right! He was plain nude! The bastard was crazy! Who in the right mind goes nude! Well... I guess it ran in the family... Stupid! There was no time to joke around! The closer he came, the more I slightly regrated my reckless decision to yell at him.

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