Chapter 7

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TW: Abuse

Sokka's POV:


"Is that all you've got, peasant," Azula taunted.

I growled in frustration as I made another swing with my arm. Of course! She just had to dodge it again! She was irritatingly good!

Azula seemed too unbothered trying to teach me "how to be a proper prince 101" for like... wait how many hours has it been? One? Two? Well, it felt like five! We didn't even get a brunch break!

At the very least she could act more interested considering the fact that I hadn't eaten all day! Nope! The whole time she was nothing near. The whole sparring and training were not going to distract her from reading her sadistic book. She knew how to put someone on edge. She performed psychological warfare so casually! Maybe that book of hers was where she learned to be psychotic.

"You know, at least Zuzu could entertain me," She taunted, yet again.

"It's not like you actually taught me something," I mumbled under my breath.

To my surprise, she also had super hearing because she heard my mumbled and subdued me. As if my ego couldn't plummet more, she proved me wrong. She flipped me over hard on the mat while she was reading her stupid figgin' book! Like girl how could you easily disarm me and still read! If I were to bet anything, it would be that any second now Azula was going to threaten me. She definitely was not going to met my comment slide by.

"You may be a prince, but I am the heir. Disrespect to me is treasonous." She said in her "you are dispensable' tone,

There it was folks. She was far more predictable than I expected. At least this time. She was far to cunning to underestimate. Although he threat didn't faze me. It should have but I couldn't find myself to care. I answered with an eyeroll. Not the smartest but who said I was trying to be smart after hours of intense drills!

She had no inherent reaction, but I knew better. My eyeroll hit a nerve of hers. She continued training as usual, but she didn't seem focused on either the book in her hands or the teaching me. Well, there was no difference on the latter. I wonder what had her contemplating so much. She was probably figuring out what her next move was. Oh spirits! That will be just so swell! (not)

Yet again, she left me uneased. She seemed she had enough of a plan formed because her mood quickly changed.

"I don't understand why you are so rebellious with the avatar dead and all..." Azula said in her all too familiar mocking tone.

She was messing with me. Right? She was a pathological liar! Not even Toph could decode her lies! She was definitely lying. The avatar couldn't be dead! He couldn't be! Zuko would have said something! He definitely referred to him as very much alive.

"Oops. Did someone not tell you. I guess your husband has his own little secrets. Who in the right mind would tell their mate they were responsible of killing their friend."

Zuko... It's not possible... Zuko couldn't have killed the avatar! She was trying to manipulate me! He would never! She wanted to separate us! S-She was lying. Zuko was unmistakably the victim here. Zuko was kidnapped by his sister to be married off and raped. Zuko was the one abuse and bruised. Zuko was the victim. He had to be!

"You think I am lying," she asked stupidly, "I see. I would suggest to ask anyone. Even better, ask your precious husband."

She had to be lying. I didn't want to believe her, yet...

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