Chapter 2

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TW: Mentions of abuse and Smut

Sokka's POV:

It's hard to believe that I was currently standing at the altar. No, not as a flower boy or a best man... I was the one getting married! Me! Oh, and I forgot to mention I am literally marrying into the fire nation! THE FIRE NATION!

I wanted to runaway... runaway from this nightmare.

My soon-to-be partner had a faint smell of preheating. Although they were barely standing, they were well dressed. They wore a velvety-red kimono, that was filled with shimmering golden accents. Their hair was in an updo filled with intricate braiding and adorned by golden pins. They also wore a mask that concealed their identity. The mask was porcelain white with red outlining around the eyes. I tried searching to identify this mystery person but my eyes only landed on their plump lips...

Abruptly, the fire mage handed us a fancy golden cup. When my hands brushed the omega's, I felt feverish hands. Concern prickled my expression which seemed to shy the omega away from my gaze.

The ceremony continued on, and the fire mage lightly bounded our hands to one another with a silky-white ribbon. He chanted something and then cheered filled the room. The experience was odd, but I guess this was how the fire nation wed people.

After the ceremony, the one and only, Firelord, pulled me aside to have a "fatherly" chat. Fatherly my ass! The only thing he wanted to accomplish from this little chat was to put me in my place. He had the audacity to state that I had been cleanse from savagery, and was reborn into the fire nation. Might I add, this guy basically ordered me to "consummate my wife" after the reception. I understood the talk around crazy mother in laws, but my dear-old father-in-law definitely takes the cake.

Anyways after that, totally-lovely, chat, we finally ate dinner that had mountains of mouthwatering meat! I desperately needed it! I went through too much today!

The dining table was filled with far too many snotty nobles and prideful generals. They all had different stature. Some were fit while others were, more so... round. One thing they all had in common was their hatred. Unfortunately, all their eyes were on me, which that itself is concerning, but on top of that they all willfully ignored my new partner's distressed pheromones! If we were back home, my village, such treatment of an omega was reprimanded! Gran gran would pinch all these suckers' ears.

Thankfully I could escape the crowd's eyes when we finished, well I finished the meal. My partner on the other hand, didn't seem to have an appetite. Which a lil surprising since the food was so good, but then again, they seemed really out of it.

The escort out was rather interesting. As you know it, we needed to head to our chambers to perform our "marital" duties, but the problem was... well the problem was pretty obvi. How am I supposed to do the deed to someone I didn't even know! To add to his majesty sick humor, we were accompanied by beta guards... which they would station right outside our doors to listen to either everything or nothing, and report back to dear old father-in-law!

In the midst of a possible mental breakdown, the omega latched their hand onto my arm. They were practically leaning on me the whole time! Our sluggish movements made the walk toward our chambers far longer than it should have, and as a result, the guards were very agitated. The guards outwardly expressed their frustrations when they shoved us in and slammed shut the chambers door.

Before I could chastise the guards for such treatment, I felt a tsunami of distressed pheromones crash my nostrils. It was so potent that it left me dizzied!

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