What was that?

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Chapter 3

A week after arriving to King scar's kingdom, Scar would have breakfast with him so as dinner they would talk about noithing and ever thing. Scar and Grian got along well.

Grian also become good friends with mumbo one of scar's council members, grian like to wacth mumbo do redstone.
But sometimes mumbo gave off weird vibes.

But for most of the day grian found himself wondering the halls of the castle or helping scar with party plans, the party was said to be a week from now, and the wedding 2 months.

Well wondering the hall he heared cub and scar talking he didn't want to ear drop but he was curious on what they where talking about.

"Scar you know you can't just survive off animal blood" Grian heared cub say,
What did cub mean by that, Grian felt a cold sweat go down his face he was worried that they would notice him.

Grian Looked back over the corner meeting cubs eye. Shot he had to go fast he started walking fast then broke out into a run after he heared cubs voices again. Not hearing what cub had to say.

He left to library he could say he was in there the entire time if cub asked him about it. But what did cub mean by "by you can't just survive off animal blood" was scar some kind of vampire.

Grian knew vampire where a thing he had good and bad encounters with them befor, but king scar a vampire does his people know? If they did then he would knew befor hand and if his parents new they would definitely not arrange a marriage between them.

He entered the library a bit out breath and sweaty he looked around making sure he wasn't followed then went over to find a book.

When he went to get a book he felt someone's breath from behind him. He turned around to see cub glaring down at him like cub was going to murder him.

He would be lieing if he didn't say cub look like he wanted to kill grian right there and then

"Cub you scared me is everything okay?" Grian said hoping not to seem to nervous, but grian was probably sweating alot.

"What did you hear" cubs vioce came out cold, cub was straight to the point. " what do mean and hear what i don't now what you talking about?" Grian try to play innocent.

"You should be glad that Scar likes you or you would be dead" Cub said was cub threatening him? He wacthed as cub walked out the library. That was definitely something.


After that incident Grian play out the day how it usually went for him reading about somthing. Walking into maids and trying to let them let him help.He ended up helping mumbo organise things.

But when it was time he went to go eat dinner scar didn't show up, he would be lieing if said he was not upset about it. He didn't see scar later that night either. But when he went to bed he heared the sound of a cat scratching on his door "jellie?" He called out

He open the door to find the little cat meowing at him she walk off to scar office Grian decides to follow her. The light in office was still on normally scar would head to his room at this time.

He slowly opens the door to scar office seeing what was going on. He comes to find Scar head in his hands mumbling about something.

"Scar are you alright its late" Grian spoke softly to him. Scar turned in surprise "oh yes i just need finish some work and just finding it hard to focus"

"Oh well then you should go to bed its late it will help you focus in the morning" befor Scar could respond Grian took his hand and practically dragged scar to his room.

"Grian i need to-" scar try to speak but grian hashed him "first sleep thats why you can't focus" Grian open scars room door dragging him inside. "Grian its not that" scar said looking a bit off now avoiding eye contact.

Grian now thinks he knows what scar's talking about. Grian closes the door and pulls the bit of his shirts collar down, Scar looks up at Grian in shock.

"How did you find out" Scar ask in a quiet voice "shh" Grian just replied as Grian pulls Scar face into his neck.( in this au vampire do not turn people by biteing them )

Scar bit down into Grians neck feeling the blood drip into his mouth. Scar had never felt this ever Scar would drink human from bottles he parents gave him and after his late parents passing he would drink animal blood. His friends who where also vampire warned him it could end up getting him very sick and drain his energy.

Grian felt the bite into his neck it hurt but was also a pleasure to it it was weird but even worse weirdly inmate.

Scar fall to a sit onto his bed taking grian with pulling grian to sit on his lap as drunk a bit more of Grians blood it was sweet Scar could not describe it, but it definitely was the best blood he has ever drunk.

A small sound came out of Grians mouth making scar pull away with a laugh "what was that?" Scar said with a laugh. Grian just replied with a tried goan.

Grian body felt limp and tried after that he feel limp onto scar lap grian had his head on Scars chest and arms over his shoulders. "I'm never letting you do that again, order some blood or something."

Grian flopped onto Scars bed. Scar wacthed with a happy smile on his face "thank you my Prince" scar said with a smile laying next Grain


Scar woke up to something warm pushing against him he look to see what it was, when he noticed it was Grian rap around him. Grian had his arms over Scar shoulders pulling him in and Grians head was nestled into his chest.

He wacthed as grian woke up with a goan then wacthed as grians face went to a very bright red. Scar just laughed " you seem to enjoy the sctitties" Scar says. Grians face went even more red "SCAR!" Grian only response to it was.

(Hello sorry i didn't post i had the plan for this chapter but got busy with school and ended up doing other things but I'll to get the next chapter out soon sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes)

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