Accalia bit her lip to conceal a cry that wanted to escape, but a door opened and slammed, boots scattering across the floorboards as two figures charged into the living room.

"We heard roars. What is going on?" Cadence demanded, stalking into the room.

Erisa stood by her side, shaken as ever and she made it evident it didn't go over well with Cole.

"Tristan is coming here with hunters. The Thrax pack aren't in their lands and Gabriel's pack was attacked. The roars were alerts, we have to prepare." Accalia exclaimed through a hazy vision.

"Cole made a threat. He said his wolves were coming tonight but that was pretty obvious, wasn't it?" Erisa voice rang through the house and no one said anything, knowing that all to be true.

They had three threats on their hands that all carved an alliance none of them was prepared for. They didn't anticipate the lengths Cole would go in achieving power even if it meant by connecting with a vampire. They had a mutual understanding of disliking Lycus and they both used that to their advantage.

Zenith was weak but cunning. He wanted what he could take and leave nothing in return. He would trade and betray — whatever worked in his favour. He would hate to work with others, especially something so unlike him, but would make it work to benefit him.

He was the easier target to take out, but they couldn't exactly go after him when Canus wolves were closing in on them, craving the slaughter.

"Where's the hybrid?" Cadence demanded.

Lycus gestured down the hall. "In his room. Why?"

Cadence scoffed angrily. "If this shit is going down, what if Adriana comes for him?"

"She most likely will." Rexton interrupted them and wandered by the door, towering above everyone at a great height.

Rexton ignored Cadence who was burning a hole in the side of his head.

"I heard you conversing earlier, we do not know if Gabriel is safe?" Rexton clarified, his face flickering with many different emotions that Accalia couldn't read.

Lycus looked away from his brother but confirmed with a nod of the head.

Rexton retreated, his head leaning to the doorframe for a short moment before he backed up against it and slowly slid down.

Accalia heard Lycus sigh and he stalked over to his little brother, bending down to level him. "Look at me, Rex," Lycus ordered softly.

The hybrid moved his head to meet his brother's face and tears gathered deep in his eyes.

"He's a lycan, a Fenris lycan, he's strong, Rexton," Lycus exclaimed.

"So are you, and yet, I see the fear in your eyes, brother."

Lycus peered at everyone around him, his gaze lingering on Accalia before turning back to Rexton. "I'm scared for all of us, Rex. I'm scared for you."

"Because someone is after me."

"Remember how I told you about the prophecies?" Rexton nodded at his brother and Lycus carried on, "Well, the oracle told me all sorts of things, but she also told me the power you have. Adriana wants it. She wants you, ever since you were born. I can't let that happen."

"Are you going to lock—"

"No!" Lycus exclaimed.

"Yes!" Everyone turned on Cadence. She wasn't bluffing, speaking of sarcasm, she was being deadly honest.

"Is she going to come for him, yes or no?" Cadence bellowed. "Could she?"

Lycus struggled with his words. "She will, one day or today. It's been said by an oracle."

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