Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

He liked whiskey.

Liked the sweet caramel smell and the charred oaky taste and the burn as it went down but Jay had found a new addiction.

Making Tess cum.

There wasn't fucking anything better than hearing her choked little cry as her breath caught in her throat, than watching her body writhe as the pleasure overtook her, than feeling the way her pussy fluttered and clenched around his fingers or tongue or cock, the latter most often with such force that she brought him to his release too. Whether he was ready for it or not. And he knew she liked that, liked being the one who made him so wild, who got her so wild.

And fuck was she.

Tess had asked him to take her like this. On her knees.

Asked him to fuck her.

Trying to say no had been the hardest thing he'd ever done and the relief he'd felt when he hadn't been successful probably wasn't healthy but Jay couldn't bring himself to care. Not anymore. Not when her back was healed, when she'd outright told him how much she'd liked the way they'd been together that first night; he'd been terrified he'd hurt her, scared her and even though she'd already told him he hadn't it was a different thing to hear that she wanted it again. That she liked it rough, that being with him like that made her feel alive in the same way it did him. That was what he wanted now. He wanted to feel that rush as they came together, as they brought each other higher than anyone else was able.

And they were so fucking close.

Her arms gave out, the sexiest little shiver running through her as she fisted the sheets above her head, crying his name as he pounded into her just a touch harder. He'd already made her cum twice, once on his tongue where he'd teased her so much she'd cum again almost as soon as he'd flipped her over and slid inside her but it wasn't enough. He wanted more. One more where they fell together. And like she knew it she started nodding, slowly but firmly rocking back against him until he let out his own choked curse as he felt himself start to swell. Determined to make her finish first he hauled her up against him, one hand gripping her breast while the other pressed firmly against her clit. That final touch was all she'd needed and there was that telltale catch of breath before her whole body went rigid, her back arching as her head dropped against his shoulder and her pussy... Fuck her pussy. It spasmed around him, so fucking tight and so fucking wet that his own release was pulled out of him, nothing but bliss and the feeling of falling.

The instincts he was still struggling to respect told him that sensation was real a second before his brain did and his hand shot out, stopping him from collapsing onto the mattress. And more importantly from crushing Tess beneath him. He lowered them down slowly, taking a moment to catch his breath before he blindly grabbed the washcloth from his nightstand and carefully sat up, timing it so that he caught his cum as he pulled out of her. He didn't mind if they made a mess, sex was messy but he knew she was still a little embarrassed by it, not to mention he didn't want to give her a reason to try and buy them any more household items.

They were grown men damnit and just because they'd been a little... bachelor like the past few months didn't change that. They could, in fact, buy their own groceries.

Cooking might be a slightly different story, but still.

Shaking his head at the memory of Tess staring flabbergasted at him after he'd somehow destroyed a pot of rice Jay tossed the cloth into his laundry basket, also new, then lay back down next to her, smiling as he listened to her pleased noises. "So what do you think? You like that position?"

The Soldier and The Spy: Jay Halstead- Episode 5Where stories live. Discover now