Chapter 6 >> Traps

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As the apprentices' eyes swept the spectacle, they gave a bewildered gasp; which caught the attention of the warriors.

"What are you two doing here?" Foxtooth growled.

Willowpaw's mouth struggled to form words in their defense.

"Get back to camp. This is no place for an apprentice." Foxtooth turned his attention back to Brightblossom, who was clenching her teeth to keep from wailing once again.

It was then that Willowpaw could make sense of what was happening. Brightblossom was caught in a trap.

Her mentor's paw was stuck between a pair of shiny jagged jaws. Blood matted her white fur, the contrast being as clear as day and night. Willowpaw's stomach heaved uneasily as she saw glimpses of bone through the wound.

"We can help!" Frostpaw protested, lashing her tail.

Badgerstar was about to speak when Brightblossom spat, "somebody just get me out of here!"

Scarletfang, who had remained silent, ignored the apprentices and crouched to inspect the trap. "There must be some way to open the jaws," she muttered.

"Don't get in the way," Badgerstar said over his shoulder as he padded to join the red warrior

Frostpaw confidently strode after her leader, while Willowpaw followed more slowly.

Meanwhile, the cats examined the trap and tossed around theories.

Badgerstar straightened as his eyes burned with an idea. He glanced around before ordering, "Find two sticks thin enough to go between the jaw's gap but sturdy enough not to snap."

Willowpaw shot a puzzled look at her friend, but Frostpaw was already nodding excitedly. The warriors dispersed as they began to quickly search for sticks. Willowpaw began to prod around the base of a nearby oak, while Frostpaw nosed through piles of fallen leaves. She tried to ignore Brightblossom's bit back whimpers unsuccessfully.

Frostpaw pulled a small branch, with shriveled leaves still attached, out and called "I got one!"

Badgerstar looked behind his back. "Good. We now only need one more."

It was no more than a moment later when Ashpelt dragged a mouthful of twigs out from underneath an elder bush. "Found some." He said proudly, dropping the bundle beside Frostpaw's single stick.

Badgerstar nodded in acknowledgement and bounded back to Brightblossom. "Foxtooth, find the sturdiest stick you can," he said, taking one as well.

Foxtooth grasped one in his mouth and met his leader by the trap. Putting down his stick to speak, Badgerstar said, "I will place this stick in the trap's jaws and push it. You will do the same, only you heave it the other direction. If it all goes accordingly, we can pry it open enough for Brightblossom to pull her paw out. " Foxtooth and Brightblossom nodded.

The rest of the cats stepped away to give them their space, all while watching nervously.

The two toms placed their stick on either end of the trap, finding a gap large enough. When they were in place Badgerstar gave the signal. Both cats pushed and heaved with all of their might. Their claws scored the ground and muscles rippled with effort.

Slowly, the trap lessened its grip until Brightblossom was able to yank her paw out.

Scarletfang dashed over to lend support for the injured warrior. All the activity sent more blood streaming down her leg. Willowpaw admired Brightblossom's determination not to look down at her mangled paw.

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