Chapter 1: The New Student

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F/N: "Thank you." You said with a smile of your own.

Principal Celestia opened a drawer to her desk and pulled out a piece of paper that contained different class names, locations and times on it.

Principal Celestia: "Here is your schedule for the semester Mr. L/N." She says as she hands you your schedule.

F/N: "Thank you." You said as you took the schedule from the woman's hand and looked at it.

Principal Celestia: "We have also talked with the principal and teachers from your previous school and they have spoken highly of you."

F/N: "Oh really? What did they say?" You asked curiously.

Principal Celestia: "They said you have good grades, not to mention you would help the other students with their problems."

Vice Principal Luna: "If I remember correctly, they said the other students would call you by a title. What was that title again?"

Principal Celestia: "I believe it was The Prince if I remember correctly."

Vice Principal Luna: "Oh yes, that was the title."

F/N: "That title? I never really cared for it, heck I don't even remember who gave me that title." You said as you remembered the old title you had back from your previous school.

You were called The Prince back in your old school due to your helpful nature, not to mention good looks.

Principal Celestia: "Well F/N, we have some business to attend to. So why don't you look around Canterlot High before classes?" She recommends to you.

F/N: "Okay thanks for everything." You said with a smile and left the Principal's Office and closed the door behind you.

The two faculty women/sisters continued to gaze at the door with slight love-stricken expressions before giving sighs of passion.

Principal Celestia: "He seems like a very nice young man, wouldn't you agree Luna?" She asked her sister.

Vice Principal Luna: "Most definitely sister." She nodded in agreement.

Both sisters thought you were handsome and are sharing the same thought.

Celestia & Luna: 'Why can't I be younger?' They both thought.

You are walking and looking around the school until you arrive at the cafeteria.

F/N: 'This cafeteria is much cleaner and larger than my previous one. I wonder how the food is though' You thought and entered the cafeteria.

???: "Well howdy do there, young man. You must be an new student." Called out an elderly female voice and turned around to see an elderly woman.

F/N: "Yeah I'm new here."

Granny Smith: "Well welcome to Canterlot High, I'm Granny Smith and I'm the lunchlady here of this here school."

F/N: "I'm F/N L/N."

Granny Smith: "You know I have a granddaughter around your age and she should be here soon."

???: "Did somebody here order a half a dozen of apple cider?" Called a female country voice from the hallway.

Granny Smith: "Ah speaking of which, right in here, dearie!" She hollered happily.

Soon, a teenage girl enters the cafeteria while carrying two crates filled with apple cider. This girl has blonde hair with a Stetson hat on top of her head, orange skins with freckles on her cheeks and green eyes.

Applejack: "Howdy there Granny Smith." She says and sets the crates of cider down onto the floor.

Granny Smith: "Good work Applejack, now where's your brother?"

The Prince of Canterlot High & His PrincessesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang