Camp LightHope

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Harry was in his senior year at Sunset High, and, to celebrate his upcoming graduation, him and his form group were going camping for a week. It was organised by the school, and payed for too, so it seemed like it would be great fun.

Harry loved the great outdoors, so the thought of spending his last week of summer vacation at a camp sounded wondrous on its own. Unfortunately for him though, his alarm went off late, and his mother came barging in with an agitated look on her carefully made up face, clearly angry.

"Wake up Harry, the bus will be here in a minute!" Lily stormed out after that, calling to her husband. Harry groaned, rolling out of bed with a half-awake look on his face. Then he checked the time, and his eyes immediately widened, and he dashed across his bedroom, hoping that the bus would at least wait.

"Shit, shit, shit," he muttered, trying to get his shorts on properly, while simultaneously pulling on his 'Camp LightHope' t-shirt. It was white with red sleeves, and had the camp symbol embossed on the front. Everyone had been giving one of their choosing on first notice, and Harry had decided that red looked best on him.

With his mismatching socks, and tousled hair, Harry burst out of his room with a small bag on his back, just as the bus had started to leave. He called out for it to stop, and the bus driver looked over at him, his wrinkled face unimpressed. The bus came to a reluctant halt, and Harry practically ran into it, almost dropping his sleeping bag.

The passengers burst out into silent giggles, and Harry blushed, slowing down to find a seat with his friends. Hermione waved at him, an amused smile on her face, and Harry gratefully took the seat next to her as the bus began to move again. She leaned over to him, grinning now. "Isn't this great? An entire week at Camp, learning how to survive in the great outdoors!"

Harry shrugged, still breathing deeply from all the running he had just done. Ron peaked his head over the seat in front of the two, his long red hair pulled back into a low ponytail. "Hey Harry! Your socks aren't matching by the way." Harry rolled his eyes, looking down to see pink and blue on his feet. If you didn't stare for too long, it could be kinda cute, right?

Hermione gave a short giggle, and Harry smacked her shoulder, clearly embarrassed. The bus was rolling just out of town now, and heading into more green parts, while the trio talked about anything and everything, with Ron's boyfriend - Blaise - chipping in every now and then. The students sat around them were loud and raucous, more than ready to arrive at Camp LightHope.

Harry felt something hit the back of his head, and turned around to see a pale boy with snowy blond hair, and bright blue eyes. He pulled a funny face, and Harry laughed in spite of himself, a smile gracing his flushed face. The boy grinned at him, glancing at the person sat next to him, and then mimicked them with exaggerated expressions, his hand lifting to mirror their words.

Harry tilted his head to the side, giggling, and the boy mouthed the words 'call me,' pointing to the scrap of paper he had thrown at the other's head. Harry averted his eyes for a moment, and unscrewed the note, smiling when he saw a phone number written in neat handwriting at the bottom, with a small heart next to it.

He lifted his head towards the boy, but he was already in an animated conversation with one of his friends.

Hermione nudged his shoulder, smirking, and Harry blushed, stuffing the note into the pocket of his shorts. The bus had arrived at Camp by then, and people cast an eye out of the window, ecstatic when they glimpse the crystal blue lake, and the flowery sign reading 'Welcome to Camp LightHope!' The doors of the bus open, and Harry steps out into the sun, excitement flooding his senses at the sight of where he'll be staying.

A camp instructor was already stood waiting at the entrance, an overly eager smile on her freckled face. She flicks her lilac coloured hair out of her way, and places her hands on her hips, her smile becoming wider. Harry squinted to properly take in her colourful appearance.

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