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Chapter 76.6 Who Is The Hero

“Just a trivial matter.” You Wuming covered Duan Ming’s chest and hugged it.

The limbs of this big fat dog immediately stiffened, and its whole body was lifted up by him.

That appearance is really hard to describe in words. A huge fluffy monster so dazedly being embraced by You Wuming with one hand in front of his chest, and the expression on the dog’s face was… She can only say, impossible to be expressed in a few words.

Sang Yuanyuan realized once again that You Wuming, who looks slender and lean, is actually much bigger than her——If she hugged Duan Ming in such a posture, she could only hold its big fluffy neck, and it would be impossible for her to hold its fat chest.

The puppet hugged Duan Ming’s stiff forelimb and hung nervously on its body.

You Wuming tilted his head, “Fruit, climb onto my back.”

“Oh.” Sang Yuanyuan carefully climbed onto his back and wrapped her arms around his shoulder and chest.

His wings spread out from her left and right ribs.

He fanned it once and they went straight up about a little bit more than 20 zhang.

It seems that refining that thunder has raised his cultivation even more higher!

He can even fly while bringing a dog!

You Wuming hugged the dog with one hand and with a turn of his other hand, he held the sword with it. From time to time, You Wuming pierced the stone wall next to him to borrow a little force from it.

When he reached some height, Sang Yuanyuan couldn’t help lowering her head and casted her glances downwards.

“You Wuming, wait.”

“Huh?” He inserted the sword diagonally into the stone wall and then hung in the air.

“The underworld demons below, is there something wrong with them?”

You Wuming looked down and immediately found the problem.

Just right below them, is a relatively empty underground space. The underworld demons gather from the north and crawl towards the south. Like the underworld demons on the ground, they all come from the abyss and attack towards the inland center.

In the underground space below, the passageway leading to the inland center is a little bit crooked, leaning towards the east.

However, the underworld demons rushed straight to the south, bumping into the stone wall in the south one by one, and then being pushed by the underworld demon tide behind them, rushing to the left and right, until they poured into the tunnel to the east.

“Straight towards the south, something is attracting them.” You Wuming go straight to the heart of the matter.

The two people subconsciously looked towards the south——Though there was only a dark stone wall in front of them.

Straight towards the south, it’s Tiandu.

Sang Yuanyuan sighed: “I really want to see what they are rushing for.”

“I will take you to see it later.”

“Maybe we will find some incredible secrets.” Sang Yuanyuan couldn’t help but feel a little excited.

In contrast, You Wuming looked indifferent about it.

He withdrew the sword from the stone wall, spread his wings, and continued to fly upwards.

After a short while, they swept out of the mouth of the abyss.

In Qin state, the palace priests were also the ones in charge of guarding the entrance of the abyss, and You Wuming just kicked all the priests down skillfully.

“You are really not polite at all towards the palace priest.”

“None of them is a good thing.”

The hall for the priests was built just north of the mouth of the abyss.

You Wuming threw Duan Ming into the animal pen outside the priest’s hall, letting it mixed with a bunch of ordinary cloud beasts and ignored the sad eyes of a dog and a puppet. He dropped them just like that, then took Sang Yuanyuan to the city wall and sneaked into the palace.

In every state, the distribution of the secret guards in the palace and the patrol routes of the bodyguards are not much different. You Wuming just glanced at it casually and already have a general idea in his mind. Now he has more ability to fly than before so he just easily takes her across the halls, gliding between the shade of trees and the walls of the palace without alarming anyone at all.

Outside the main hall of the Royal City, several gold-inlaid drums are pounding.

It was to welcome the General of Western Garrison from Dong state, Huangfu Xiong.

Huang Fuxiong led the heavily armored troops from Ji state and was about to go to the north to help Qin state defend the Great Wall together there and tide over this wave of ‘Tidal Bore’.

[3] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin