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Chapter 94.5 Important Secrets

The Giant Ice Tortoise is still crawling out, pulling its whole body out of the ground.

Tens of zhang apart, Sang Yuanyuan could even hear bursts of inhaling sounds.

This is really too shocking for them!

Who could have imagined that there was such a big fellow hiding under the ancestral temple?

Amid the chaos, Yun Xuzhou suddenly received an urgent report--The fifty thousand army of Tiandu's Battalion Guards in the north, which had been hoarded on the border between Tiandu and Ji state all this time, had set out as a whole and came straight to Yun state!

"Return to the palace!"

In an instant, the shock and dazed expression on Yun Xuzhou's face was swept away and there's only calmness that could be seen in her pair of black eyes. In the process of striding back to the palace, the military orders swept one after another towards everywhere like wind and thunder.

Tiandu's North Battalion Guards was originally transferred to the northern defense line to prevent You Wuming's attack--He took Ji state and may attack Tiandu from the south at any time.

Now, the You state's army has been 'driven' back to You state by Huangfu Xiong. The fifty thousand North Battalion Guards just happened to be left vacant by this and ready to be pulled out to be the support everywhere at any time.

So now, it is just in time to be used to attack Yun state?!

A cold smile appeared on Yun Xuzhou's beautiful face.

In addition to the Royal Guards, the four Battalion Guards in the East, West, North and South are the strongest fighting forces of Tiandu.

And the Yun state...

Now the evil disaster is not over yet so most of the main forces of Yun state have been sent out everywhere. One branch went south to help Qi state recover the lost Great Wall and eliminate the Underworld Demons in the territory. The other branch headed east to the two states of Tu and Jin, helping the East Great Wall to guard the line of defense that was supposed to be taken over by the Huangfu clan.

The Yun state's elite had left the territory and it's already too late to transfer the troops. They will surely be beaten by Tiandu's North Battalion Guards for several cities in a row, hitting it straight down to the Royal City!

The other party tore the face so eagerly and it doesn't even need to say what the purpose is.

"Mulberry, You Wuming!" The swiftly moving Yun Xuzhou couldn't help but glanced back at the terrifying behemoth and said, "There must be a big secret below! I will stop them for you. Don't you two let me down then!"

The strength of the North Battalion Guards is not small at all. If she dispatches temporary troops to intercept them, it can't even serve as an opening snack for the other party. So Yun Xuzhou simply gave up the first line of defense, and only ordered the army to pour countless obstacles with ice water on the only route that the North Battalion Guards will pass, and at the same time transferred her troops to the Capital of Yun state to fight the enemy on the last line of defense!

Yun Xuzhou rushed back to the main hall without stopping at all and issued hundreds of orders one after another. Finally, she breathed a sigh of relief afterwards and threw her slightly exhausted body into the huge Grandmaster's chair.

After thinking for a moment, another jade token with a special carving was picked out from the jade box.

It is a jade token for communicating with the Imperial Palace.

With a flash of light, the graceful and calm voice of the Female Emperor Jiang Yanji came out--

"King Yun, I know that you have a rebellion in the Yun state and the North Battalion Guards have been sent to the Capital of Yun to eliminate the rebellion for you. You can be rest assured."

Jiang Yanji knows that the Regent Ruler is the one in charge of the Yun state, but every time she contacts Yun state, she will 'unconsciously ignore' this matter and only talk with 'King Yun'. Even today, knowing that the person on the opposite side is Yun Xuzhou, who she called 'rebelling against the king', Jiang Yanji still has such a virtue.

Just like in the past, Yun Xuzhou silently crushed the jade slips without saying a word--Even a person who behaved carelessly like her can feel the obvious hostility of the Female Emperor towards herself. As a woman who is also holding great power, it is hard for them to avoid being compared. Even though Yun Xuzhou is always low-key, people with a purpose can always spread some words that the Female Emperor doesn't like to hear in her ears.

The Female Emperor has always been afraid and displeased with her. Today, she found such an excuse to send the troops and can finally tore open that layer of hypocritical face. They both breathed a sigh of relief instead.

After thinking for a moment, Yun Xuzhou took out another jade token.

"Yun Xuzhou? Why are you looking for me?" Huangfu Xiong's voice came out.

Yun Xuzhou couldn't help but be startled.

[3] Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the VillainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora