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"What was in the report oppa?" Jennie asked.

Hoseok turned his face to them, then looked into Dusik's eyes "Suga and Yoongi are not different, they are the same person. Yoongi has split personality disorder" everyone was shocked.

"Then why did he never tell any one of us about this?! He claimed to be Suga's twin brother!!" Jennie said.

Dusik stood up with his hands in his pockets "You explain everything to them while I will leave. After all I have to inform appa about this right?" Dusik smirked "Bye bye" Dusik left.

Everyone turned to Yoongi who seemed to have fainted. They rushed to him. Hoseok patted his cheeks but there was no response.

"I will call Lisa!!" Jennie said, taking her phone out.

"No," Hoseok said.

"Why?!" Jennie asked.

Hoseok turned to NamJin "Call the psychiatrists you called for me. Now!!" Namjoon nodded and called the psychiatrists while Hoseok picked Yoongi and took him to his room.

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